
Post date: Sep 27, 2016 1:08:49 AM

Joint Seminar of SLAM and SMART Working Groups

"Wearables: opportunities for survivals"

Jiawei Bai, Junrui Di, Vadim Zipunnikov aka J and J and Dr Z

Department of Biostatistics, JHU

We will showcase three projects that benefited from the survival analysis tools. First, we will discuss a two-stage framework to model how people's demographics is associated with their "probability" of being active and the "intensity" of the activity. Second, we will describe different ways of quantifying daily “fragmentation” of rest/active time and demonstrate their predictiveness of mortality in NHANES 2003-2006. Finally, we will describe a novel real-time score that combines core features of sleep, circadian rhythmicity, and physical activity to be predictive of hospital readmissions in individuals with Congestive Heart Failure.