I build artificial intelligence (AI) frameworks that apply data science approaches in human computer interaction (HCI) settings to train, coach, and assist humans. I use data science to model “mastery” within human performances of complex skilled activities, e.g. surgery. Such intelligent systems can assist humans in two roles: 1) a co-teacher, i.e., an active guide for a human learner who is beginning to develop the skill, and 2) a co-expert, i.e., an active assist for a human performer who has demonstrated competency in executing the skill.

My research program focuses on AI-augmented learning side of HCI, which is building and studying intelligent machines that teach humans to master specific skills while improving outcomes of such skilled tasks.

Automated Directed Virtual Instructor for Coaching and Education (ADVICE)

An automated coach should deliver key coaching interventions for effective learning to occur. These coaching activities constitute the ADVICE framework [Malpani2017] (image on the right).

monitor learning curve and identify skill progression vs. arrested development,

recommend individualized deliberate practice,

demonstrate expertise performance and how to execute certain critical elements,

evaluate performance to quantify skill and identify sub-skills that are deficient, and

critique performance to provide feedback explaining why performance might be lacking.

ADVICE for Surgery

My previous work has focused on building an automated virtual coach for surgical training. I have built machine learning-based assessment tools [Malpani2014], virtual reality-based teaching frameworks [Malpani2019], and crowdsourcing-powered learning datasets [Malpani2015, Malpani2018, Malpani2019] that aim to make surgical training effective and efficient for the learners, and safe for the patients.

My research thus far included collaboration with surgeons in General Surgery, Gynecology, Urology, and Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.


For a complete list of my publications please refer to my CV or my Publications List.