2018 in Kagoshima

JFA Finance Camp 2018 Kagoshima

Date: March 14th (W) – 15th (Th), 2018

Venue: Kagoshima Chuo Building, Meeting Room 1, 8th floor (8階第一会議室)

1-10, Ymanokuchicho, Kagoshimashi

http://www.kagoshima-cb.com/ (Japanese only)

Hosted by:

Japan Finance Association 日本経営財務研究学会

Supported by:




Day 1

Wednesday, March 14

11:30am – Registration

12:40pm – Welcome Remarks

Konari Uchida, Kyushu University (online speech)

Notes on general sessions:

*Each presentation has 30 minutes including Q&A: 17 minutes for presentation, 8 minutes for discussant, and 5 minutes for open questions

*Wednesday presenters are asked to respond to comments and questions at the dinner, not in the session.

12:50pm – 2:20pm Corporate Finance

Chair: Kazuo Yamada, Nagasaki University

Employment protection and M&A performance

Kota Iwasaki, Tokyo Institute of Technology

The effects of loan commitments: Evidence from Japan during the financial crisis of 2008

Tomohito Honda, Hitotshubashi University

Capital structure persistence and market timing

Kentaro Hanamura, Tokyo Institute of Technology


Konari Uchida, Kyushu University (online)

Peng Xu, Hosei University

Kazuo Yamada, Nagasaki University

2:30pm – 4:00pm Monetary Policy and Regulation

Chair: Katsuhiko Okada, Kwansei Gakuin University

Measuring the effect of quantitative easing on lower bound and macroeconomy

Hokuto Ishii, Nagoya University

Information effect of illegal insider trading and market manipulation

Samu Akie, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Short sales constraints and stock returns: How do regulations fare?

Khan Mostafa Saidur Rahim, Nagoya University


Hiroshi Gunji, Daito Bunka University

Katsuhiko Okada, Kwansei Gakuin University

Kotaro Inoue, Tokyo Institute of Technology

4:15pm – 5:05pm Tutorial Session

Chair: Kotaro Inoue, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Publishing in top journals with Asia data

Yupana Wiwattanakantang, National University of Singapore

5:15pm – 5:45pm Sponsor Session

ビューロー・ヴァン・ダイク・エレクトロニック・パブリッシング株式会社 様

日経メディアマーケティング株式会社 様

マージェントジャパン株式会社 様

6:00pm – Hotel check in (Dormy Inn Kagoshima)

7:00pm – Dinner

Venue: Kumasotei

http://www.kumasotei.com/ (Japanese)

http://www.kumasotei.com/enjoy/ (English)

Responses to comments and questions by Wednesday presenters

Day 2

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Notes on general sessions:

*Each presentation has 30 minutes including Q&A: 17 minutes for presentation, 8 minutes for discussant, and 5 minutes for open questions.

* Thursday presenters are asked to respond to comments and questions in the last 10 or 15 minutes of the session (please do not immediately reply to comments and questions).

9:20am – 10:30am Stock market

Chair: Toshio Serita, Aoyama Gakuin University

Ambiguity matters if you invest in many assets

Yuki Shigeta, Kyoto University

Same bed different dream in IPO: The analysis of IPO withdraw decision and composition of IPO shares

Pengda Fan, Kyushu University


Toshio Serita, Aoyama Gakuin University

Hidenori Takahashi, Nagoya University

10:40am – 12:25pm Debt and Liabilities

Chair: Nobuyuki Teshima, Senshu University

Does globalization of Japanese firms affect their behavior on cash and debt? (Tables)

Tsuguyuki Umene, Kobe University

Is debt conservatism the solution to financial constraints? An empirical analysis of Japanese firms

Weihan Cui, Nagoya University

Accounts payable and firm value: International evidence

Hocheol Nam, Kyushu University


Naoshi Ikeda, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Nobuyuki Teshima, Senshu University

Yoshinori Shimada, Tokyo University of Science

12:25pm – Concluding Remarks

Hideki Hanaeda, Chuo University