My Personal Stand On Abortion

My Personal Stand On Abortion

Worldwide abortions in a year: 46 million

Worwide abortions in a day: 126,000

Abortions in a year in the United States: 1.37 million

Abortions in a one day in The United States: Appox. 3,700

Abortion is about death! A Pro Life position is to defend life. A human fetus has the potential to become a person, and a fetus is already alive and living.

To destroy any form of life can only be defined as killing life.(Period!) So those who defend freedom of choice as pertaining to abortion, are actually defending the destruction of life, that has the potential to develop into a fully developed human person.

So it's really about Pro Life or Pro Death! It's not really about choice. The mother will live either way, whether she destroys the life in her womb or not, but the life in her womb depends on the mother for survival.

The choice isn't about the mother's body, as so many Pro Choice activists continually blurt out. It's really about the body of a fetus in the womb, which won't ever have a chance for life if killed and destroyed prematurely.

46 million worldwide abortions every year, which also means 46 million more people won't be alive in a few years because of abortions.

That adds up to about 460 million in ten years, or adds up to 1380 million people in 30 years. Which means there's over a billion people who aren't here today because of abortions in the last 30 years.

I believe that's a figure that's hard for anyone to justify. Over a billion people destroyed while still in their mother's womb.

Never has a baby's life been threaten or in more danger, than in the mother's womb today! The one place a baby should be safer than anywhere else.

Abortion is wrong!(Period!)Abortion is about snuffing out a heartbeat! ProLifers fight to keep that little heart beating.

Click On the banner to see a video of fetus body parts being dismembered during an abortion.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson was an abortion pro-choice advocate and co-founder in 1969 of the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws -- NARAL -- later renamed the National Abortion Rights Action League. He was also the former director of New York's City's Center for Reproductive and Sexual Health, then the largest abortion clinic in the world. Here's a personal quote from Dr. Benard Nathanson.

Quote" I am personally responsible for 75,000 abortions. This legitimises my credentials to speak to you with some authority on the issue." Unquote

In the late 1970's he turned against abortion to become a prominent pro-life advocate, authoring Abortion America and producing the powerfully revealing video, "The Silent Scream." Dr. Nathanson was Clinical Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York Medical College and a visiting scholar at Vanderbilt University.

Dr. Nathanson died February 21, 2011, but he left behind his video titled. "Silent Scream" Where he speaks and explains what abortion is really about showing a pre-born child trying in vain to deflect the abortionist’s scalpel using Ultrasound Technology, as he explains the silent screams of a fetus.

Click on banner to watch his video."Silent Scream"

Click on the banner to see Dr. Benard Nathanson's confessions about when he was a pro-choice activist before he was converted to pro-life.