My Resume

(PDF available for download at the bottom of the page)

Dr. Jessica Flahaut - Planetary Geologist

Research Interests



Rewarded with the ‘prix Van Straelen’ 2012

Rewarded with the ‘prix Le Monde de la recherche universitaire’ 2012




Professional Service

Teaching Experience

Planetary remote sensing, Faculty of Science and Technology Nancy (FR), 2021-2024

Remote sensing and GIS techniques, ENSG, Nancy (FR), 2019-2023 (Course Leader since 2019)

Volcanology (extra-terrestrial), Faculty of Science and Technology Nancy (FR), 2019-2024

Cosmochemistry / Planetary Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Nancy (FR), 2018-2020 (Course Leader 2020-2021)

Space missions, Faculty of Science and Technology, Nancy (FR), 2014, 2021-2024 (Course Leader since 2022)

Field geology courses, ENSG, Nancy (FR), 2018, 2019

Mars exploration, data processing and analysis, ENSG, Nancy (FR), 2017, 2018, 2022

An introduction to geology/volcanology, Azores EAC/COST summer school, 2016

Planetary science for MSc (Mars lectures), VU University Amsterdam (NL), 2013-2016

Planetary science for MSc (Invited Moon lectures), University of Lyon (FR), 2013-2016

Introduction to Geosciences, Planetology, Geographic Information Systems, Cartography, Biological Evolution, Elasticity, Field Geology.


- Mélissa Martinot (2023-2025)

- Gen Ito (2020 - 2023)  

- Vincent Payet (2019-2020)

- Nicolas Bott (2020)

- Clarisse Peignaux (2023- ongoing, co-supervision with Francois Faure at CRPG Nancy) « Identification et origine des granitoïdes martiens par spectroscopie infrarouge»

- Marine Joulaud (2021- ongoing, co-supervision with Pascal Allemand  and Vincent Langlois at the LGL,TPE/University of Lyon & Evelyn Füri at CRPG Nancy) « Caractérisation multi-échelle des régolites de la Lune et de Mercure par imagerie et modélisation numérique»

- Belen Muñoz Rojas (2021- ongoing, cotutelle, co-supervision with Patricia Larrea at Universidad de Chile and Mary Ford at CRPG Nancy) «Central Andes mafic volcanism as an analog to Mars»

- Marie Barthez (2020- 2024, co-supervision with Raphaël Pik, CRPG Nancy) « Feldspathic rocks on Mars: VNIR spectral properties and formation mechanisms from terrestrial analogues and Mars remote sensing data analyses»

- Clément Brustel (2016- 2021, main supervisor, joint student VU University Amsterdam/University Lyon 1, with Gareth Davies) « Petrology of the martian crust through a multi-disciplinary approach»

- Mélissa Martinot (2015- 2019, main supervisor, joint student VU University Amsterdam/University Lyon 1, with Wim van Westrenen/Sébastien Besse) « The lunar crust as seen by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper instrument »

- Jelmer Oosthoek (2011-2015, committee member, Jacobs University Bremen, with Angelo Rossi)


Victor Michel (2024, Master’s research project): «Automated grain mapping from close-up images of the lunar surface»

- Adrien Rousseau / Anna Savino (2024, Master’s research project, ENSG Nancy, collab. M. Martinot at CRPG): « Building a traverse at the lunar south pole for the Rashid-2 rover»

- Hugo Tixier / Ines Sponton (2024, Master’s research project, ENSG Nancy, collab. M. Martinot at CRPG): « Geology of Mare Crisium on the Moon»

- Clarisse Peignaux (2023, Master’s research project,  collab. F. Faure at CRPG): «VNIR Spectral signatures of synthetic feldspath plagioclase, and implication for remote detections on Mars»

- Hugo Watine (2023, Master’s research project, collab. S. Breton/J. Charreau at CRPG): « Alluvial fans on Mars»

- Mélanie Guenneguez (2022, Master’s research project): « Geological mapping at a given lunar landing site (confidential)»

- Hugo Watine / Tom Audard (2022, Master’s research project, ENSG Nancy): « What can we learn about the lunar regolith properties from in situ images?»

- Clarisse Peignaux (2021, Bachelor's research project): « Geological mapping at a given lunar landing site (confidential)»

- Mélanie Guenneguez (2021, Master’s research project, collab. S. Breton at CRPG): « Geological mapping at a given lunar landing site (confidential)»

- Alexandre Benedicto/  Amélia Santillan Cruz (2021, Master’s research project, collab. S. Breton at CRPG): « Geological mapping at a given lunar landing site (confidential)»

- Célia Kheng (2021, Master’s research project, SAS Belgium - secondary, remote supervision): « Remote sensing tools in support of future lunar exploration»

- Marine Joulaud (2021, Master’s research project, Univ of Lorraine, collab. E. Füri at CRPG): « Multi-scale analysis of lunar regolith properties»

- Célia Kheng (2020, Master’s summer project, ENSG Nancy, collab. S. Breton/J. Charreau at CRPG): « Alluvial fans on Mars»

- Elodie Flore Parisot/ Margaux Savary (2020, Master’s research project, ENSG Nancy, collab. S. Breton/J. Charreau at CRPG): « Alluvial fans on Mars»

- Elodie Genre-Grandpierre (2020, Master’s research project, ENSG Nancy, collab. S. Breton at CRPG): « Composition of the ILD of Valles Marineris, Mars»

- Marine Joulaud (2020, Master’s research project and summer internship, ENSG Nancy): « Suitable landing sites and test traverses for LUVMI-X at the lunar south pole»

- Marie Barthez (2020, Master’s research project, Univ of Lorraine): « Spectral properties of feldspar-bearing rocks»

- Yutong Shi (2019, Exchange student from CUG Wuhan, China, collab. J. Charreau at CRPG): « Comparison of valley networks on Mars and Earth»

- Marie Barthez (2019, Master’s research project, ENSG Nancy, collab. D. Jousselin at CRPG): « Do the compressive structures of Mercury result for the crystallization of its core?»

- Vincent Payet (2019, Master’s research project, ENSG Nancy): « Optimizing the detection of felsdpar minerals on Mars with the mineral recognizer software»

- Siyuan Zhao (2018, Exchange student from CUG Wuhan, China): « Candidate polar landing sites for the Chang’E-6 mission to the Moon»

- Nicolas Schnuriger (2017, Bachelor’s thesis, IRAP Toulouse) « Lunar volcanic domes and irregular mare patches in the Arago region»

- Clément Brustel (2015, Master thesis, VU University Amsterdam) « Characteristics of the dikes of Valles Marineris, Mars: Insights into the magmatic and tectonic history of the area »

- Anna Van Soest (2015-2016, Master thesis, VU University Amsterdam, collab J. Dohm) « Structural mapping and tectonic history of the Claritas Rise region of Mars »

- Marloes Offringa (2014-2015, Master’s research project, VU University Amsterdam): « Analysis of the sedimentary deposits in Arabia Terra, Mars »

- Olivier Barrois (2012, Bachelor’s thesis, ENS Lyon): « Jackson Crater, a potential landing site for future lunar missions »

- Rémi Delon (2012, Bachelor’s thesis, ENS Lyon): « Analysis of an olivine-rich layer in Eos Chasma, Mars »


Grants and Fundings 

Honors and Awards

Publications and Conference Proceedings:     see dedicated page

Invited Talks and Seminars


Summer/Winter Schools




Outreach Activities 

Public talks

Articles in scientific magazines and newspapers


Interviews / European media

-  Radio Chronicles "La Lorraine dans les étoiles", 18 episodes in duet with N. Beck, broadcasted July-August 2023 on France Bleu and available as podcasts.

- TV interview: France 3 , journal 19/20 du 13 décembre 2018 et journal 12/13 du 1er Octobre 2019, journal 19/20 du 3 Novembre 2020, journal du 05/12/2022.

- Various radio interviews (France Culture, Radio Campus, Deutschlandfunk, RCF Grand Est : Le grand invité du 18/02/2021, Le grand entretien du 22/09/2022, Podcast France culture du 28/02/2022; France bleu coté expert du 01/12/2022

- Various print interviews (Science et Vie, Science et Avenir, Est Républicain, Le Monde, Le Parisien, Les Echos, France 24, La Semaine, Téléstar...)

Science Cafés and round tables

-'Astronautes', mini festival scientifique, Féru des Sciences, November 2023, Jarville, France.

- 'La Science des météorites', table ronde, collloque Fripon Vigie-Ciel, June 2023, Paris, France.

- 'Dans les yeux de Thomas Pesquet', projection-débat à "La Filoche", April 2023, Chavigny, France.

- 'En avant Mars !', ateliers participatifs dans 3 BU, December 2022, Nancy, France.

- 'En avant Mars !', atelier au Pavillon des Sciences de Montbélliard, November 2022,  France.

- 'Lire en fête', ateliers sur Mars, médiathèque Roger Birchelberger, October 2022, Forbach, France.

- 'Mars et ça repart', atelier cyclo-rando, May 2022,  Pont-à-Mousson, France.

- ‘Mercure et le système solaire externe: quoi de neuf?', Café-Sciences, théatre de la manufacture, March 2020, Nancy, France.

- ‘Missions martiennes et lunaires', Café-Sciences, théatre de la manufacture, Febrary 2020, Nancy, France.

- ‘L’eau et la matière organique dans le Système Solaire’ Café-Sciences, théatre de la manufacture, October 2019, Nancy, France.

- ‘La SF nous offre… la Lune !’ Table Ronde, Festival Les imaginales, May 2019, Epinal, France.

- ‘Osez !’Table Ronde,  O21/Le Monde Campus, February 2019, Nancy, France.


Public exhibition

- « Le livre sur la Place », présentation de l'ouvrage "En Avant Mars!", September 2022 & 2023.

- « Le désert d'Atacama: Cap sur Mars », at CRPG from 2019 to 2021.

- « De l'autre coté de l'Espace », Musée du fer de Jarville, February 2020.

- « Météorites et missions spatiales », au théatre de la manufacture de Nancy pour les 80 ans du CNRS, Sept-October 2019.


CV_ jflahaut_August2023.pdf