
  1. Denrell, J. Liu, C, and Maslach, D. (2022) "Underdogs and One-hit Wonders: When is Overcoming Adversity Impressive?" Forthcoming, Management Science.

  2. Denrell, J., C. and C. Liu (2021). ”When Reinforcing Processes Generate an Outcome-Quality Dip.Organization Science, 32 (4): 1079-1099

  3. Rahmandad, H, Denrell, J., C. and D. Prelec (2020). "What makes dynamic strategic problems difficult? Evidence from an experimental study." Strategic Management Journal, 42 (5), 865-897

  4. Denrell, J., C. and B. Kovacs (2020). ”The Ecology of Management ConceptsStrategy Science, 5(4): 293-310. .

  5. Denrell, J. and G. Le Mens (2020). ”Revisiting the Competency Trap”. Industrial and Corporate Change, 29 (1), 183-205.

  6. Denrell, J., C. Fang, and C. Liu (2019). ”In Search of Behavioral Opportunities from Misattributions of Luck.” Academy of Management Review, 44 (4), 896-905.

  7. Le Mens, G., J. Denrell, B. Kovacs, & H. Karaman. (2018). ”Information Sampling, Judgment, and the Environment: Application to the Effect of Popularity on Evaluation.Topics in Cognitive Science, 11 (2), 358-373. .

  8. Denrell, J., Liu, C., and G. Le Mens (2017). When More Selection is Worse. Strategy Science, 2(1): 39-63.

  9. Liu, C., Vlaev, I, Fang, C., Denrell, J., & Chater, N. (2017). Strategizing with biases: Engineering choice contexts for better decisions using Mindspace approach. California Management Review , 59(3): 135-161.

  10. Denrell, J. and G. Le Mens. (2017). Information Sampling, Belief Synchronization and Collective Illusions, Management Science, 63(2): 528-547.

  11. Denrell, J. (2015) "Reference Dependent Risk Sensitivity as Rational Inference." Psychological Review, 122 (3), 461-484.

  12. Denrell, J., C. Fang. and C. Liu (2015). "Chance Explanations in the Management Sciences." Organization Science, 26(3): 923-940.

  13. Denrell, J. and B. Kovacs (2015). “Lessons from Unpopular Concepts and Practices: The Effect of Selection Bias in Studies of Fads and Fashions,” PLoS ONE 10(4): e0123471. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123471.

  14. Denrell, J., C. Fang. and Z. Zhao (2013). "Inferring Superior Capabilities from Sustained Superior Performance: A Bayesian Analysis." Strategic Management Journal, 34(2): 182-196.

  15. Denrell, J. and C. Liu (2012). “Top performers are not the most impressive when extreme performance indicates unreliability.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109 (24): 9331-9336.

  16. Denrell, J. (2012). Mechanisms Generating Context Dependent Choices, Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 36, 65-97.

  17. Le Mens, G. and Denrell, J. (2011). “Rational Learning and Information Sampling: On the ‘Naivety’ Assumption in Sampling Explanations of Judgment Biases." Psychological Review, 118 (2): 379-392.

  18. Denrell, J. and G. Le Mens (2011). “Seeking Positive Experiences Can Produce Illusory Correlations”. Cognition, 119: 313-324.

  19. Denrell, J. and C. Fang (2010). “Predicting the Next Big Thing: Success as a Signal of Poor Judgment.” Management Science, 56(10): 1653-1667.

  20. Denrell, J. and Z. Shapira (2009). “Performance Sampling and Bimodal Duration Dependence.” Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 33: 66-91.

  21. Denrell, J. (2008). Perspective: Indirect Social Influence. Science, 321 (July 4): 47-48.

  22. Denrell, J. and B. Kovacs (2008). “Selective Sampling of Empirical Settings in Organizational Studies.” Administrative Science Quarterly, 53 (March): 109-144.

  23. Denrell, J. (2008). “Organizational Risk Taking: Adaptation versus Variable Risk Preferences.” Industrial and Corporate Change, 17 (3): 427-466.

  24. Denrell, J. and G. Le Mens (2007). “Interdependent Sampling and Social Influence.” Psychological Review, 114 (2): 398-422.

  25. Andersen, T, J. Denrell, and R. Bettis (2007). “Strategic Responsiveness and Bowman’s Risk-Return Paradox.” Strategic Management Journal, 28(4), 407-429.

  26. Denrell, J. (2007). “Adaptive Learning and Risk Taking.” Psychological Review, 114 (1): 177-187.

  27. Denrell, J. (2005). “Why Most People Disapprove of Me: Experience Sampling in Impression Formation”. Psychological Review, 112 (4), 951-978.

  28. Denrell, J. (2005). “Selection Bias and the Perils of Benchmarking”. Harvard Business Review, April, 2005, 114-119.

  29. Denrell, J. (2005). “Should We Be Impressed with High Performance?” Journal of Management Inquiry, 14 (3), 292-298.

  30. Denrell, J. (2004). “The Performance of Performance,” Journal of Management and Governance, 8 (4), 345-349.

  31. Denrell, J, Arvidsson, N., and U. Zander (2004). “Managing Knowledge in the Dark: An Empirical Examination of the Reliability of Competency Evaluations.” Management Science, 50 (11), 1491-1503.

  32. Denrell, J., C. Fang, and D. Levinthal (2004).“From T-Mazes to Labyrinths: Learning from Model-Based Feedback.” Management Science, 50 (10), 1366-1378.

  33. Denrell, J. (2004). “Random Walks and Sustained Competitive Advantage.” Management Science, 50 (7): 922-934.

  34. Denrell, J., C. Fang, and S. Winter (2003). “The Economics of Strategic Opportunity.” Strategic Management Journal, 24 (10): 977-990.

  35. Denrell, J. (2003). “Vicarious Learning, Under-Sampling of Failure, and the Myths of Management,” Organization Science, 14 (3): 227-243. (Lead Article).

  36. Denrell, J. and J. G. March (2001). “Adaptation as Information Restriction: The Hot Stove Effect,” Organization Science, 12 (5): 523-538. (Lead Article).

  37. Denrell, J. (2000). “Radical Organization Theory: An Incomplete Contract Approach to Power and Organizational Design,” Rationality and Society, 12: 39-61.