Present Positions and Research Projects

Juniorprofessor of Behavioral Law and Economics (W1, assistant professorship without tenure track), University of Hamburg (01/2019-11/2025).

Affiliated Researcher, POLMIG : Determinants of Political Discourses on Migration (2023-).

Principal Investigator, Does Constitution-Making Matter? The Economics of Writing Social Contracts, German Research Foundation-funded research project (#525707184, 03/2024-02/2027).

Principal investigator, Networks and the Rule of Law: Uncovering Socio-Economic Outcomes, Horizon Europe-funded Research and Innovation Action project (#101177405, 2025-2028).

Past Positions and Research Projects

Acting Professor of Public Finance and Monetary Economics (W3, full professorship), University of Freiburg (05/2022-03/2023).

Co-investigator, Economics of Compliance with Constitutions, German Research Foundation-funded research project (#381589259, 02/2018-01/2023).

Principal Investigator, The Arab Databank of L&E, DAAD-funded Research Project (#57587944, 02/2021-12/2022).

Statistician, Impact Evaluation for the Access to Sustainable Energy Programme (ASEP), European Union and Philippine Department of Energy (2018-2019).

Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Institute of Law and Economics, University of Hamburg (01/2017-12/2018).

Post-Doctoral Researcher at the DFG-Graduate School for the Economics of the Internationalization of the Law, University of Hamburg (01/2015-12/2016).

Research Associate at the Institute of Law and Economics, University of Hamburg (10/2010-12/2014).

Researcher, OECD Study on How to Measure Competition Law (2010-2011).

Research Associate at the Chair of Microeconomics, Philipps-University Marburg (04/2010-09/2010).

Student Assistant at the Chairs of Institutional Economics; Macroeconomics; Microeconomics, Philipps- University Marburg (10/2008-03/2010).

Internships at the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart; at the Parliamentary Group of the Free Democratic Party, Berlin; at the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Berlin (10/2007-07/2008).

Student Assistant at the Chair of Economic Policy, University of Stuttgart (03/2006-09/2007).


Ph.D. in Economics (Dr. rer. pol.), University of Hamburg, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Stefan Voigt and Prof. Dr. Andreas Lange, Examiners: Prof. Dr. Tim Krieger and Prof. Dr. Gerd Mühlheußer.

M.Sc. in Economics and Institutions, Philipps-University Marburg.

Diploma in Economics and Technics, University of Stuttgart.


PLOS ONE, Academic Editor, since 2022.


Acta Politica; American Political Science Review; Applied Economics; Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics; Baltic Journal of Economics; British Journal of Political Science; Central European Journal of Public Policy (2x); CESifo Economic Studies; Comparative Economic Studies (3x); Comparative Political Studies; Constitutional Political Economy (58x); Economic Modelling (4x); Economic Systems (7x); Economics; Economics and Politics; Economics of Transition and Institutional Change; Economy and Society; Electoral Studies; Energy Economics (2x); European Journal of Comparative Economics (2x); European Journal of Development Research; European Journal of Law and Economics (5x); European Journal of Political Economy (37x); European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (3x); European Political Science Review; European Union Politics; Global Constitutionalism; Human Rights Review; International Interactions (5x); International Journal of Constitutional Law; International Journal of Public Opinion Research; International Journal of Public Policy; International Review of Financial Analysis; International Review of Law and Economics (2x); International Studies Quarterly; Journal of Agricultural Economics (2x); Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics; Journal of Common Market Studies (2x); Journal of Comparative Economics (2x); Journal of Conflict Resolution; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (2x); Journal of Economic Surveys (2x); Journal of Empirical Legal Studies; Journal of European Public Policy (2x); Journal of Global Security Studies; Journal of Institutional Economics (15x); Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (5x); Journal of Peace Research (3x); Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice; Kyklos; Managerial and Decision Economics; Manchester School; Oxford Economic Papers (2x); PLOS ONE; Political Analysis; Political Studies; Public Choice (10x); Public Finance Review; Public Health; Research in Economics; Resources Policy; Review of Development Economics (3x); Review of International Economics; Review of International Organizations (8x); Review of Law and Economics (3x); Science Advances; Scottish Journal of Political Economy; Social Indicators Research (4x); Social Sciences & Humanities Open; The Economic Journal; The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance; The World Economy (2x); Utrecht Law Review; World Development (3x).

Invited Lectures or Research Seminar Talks

"Leader Similarity and International Sanctions", Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, University of Regensburg, 2024.

"The Comparative Constitutional Compliance Database (CCCD) - version 3", NOUS Spotlight, 2024.

"Economic Effects of Sanctions and Sanctions-busting", Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne, 2023.

"The Impact of Economic Sanctions on International Migration", Philipps-University Marburg, 2023.

"Repression and Revolution: When do Governments tie their Hands?", International Iranian Economic Association, 2023.

"Difference-in-Differences Estimation and Event Study Designs", Egyptian Competition Authority, 2022.

"Measuring Constitutional Loyalty", Austrian Institute of Economic Research, 2022.

"Women's Rights and the Gender Migration Gap", Prague University of Economics and Business, 2022.

"Women's Rights and the Gender Migration Gap", Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2022.

"Are Papal Visits Good News for Human Rights?", University of Bayreuth, 2020.

"Family Types and the Spirit of Capitalism", Leipzig Colloquium on the Foundations of the Market Order, University of Leipzig, 2020.

"Endogenous Constraints on Repression", IFN (Research Institute of Industrial Economics), Stockholm, 2019.

"The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Life Expectancy and its Gender Gap", British University in Egypt, 2019.

"Endogenous Constraints on Repression", University of Freiburg, 2018.

"Is Judicial Independence Good for Business?", University of Konstanz, 2018.

"Are Papal Visits Good News for Human Rights?", Brunel University, London, 2017.

"Human Rights During Crises", Seminar in Socio-Economics, German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Hamburg, 2017.

"Is Judicial Independence Good for Business?", Department of Economics, University of Siegen, 2017.

"Judicial Independence: Conceptual Issues in Measurement", Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, 2017.

"Deep Determinants of the Rule of Law", Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, University of Regensburg, 2016.

"The Political Economy of Death Penalty Abolition", Department of Economics, University of Trier, 2016.

"Economic Effects of Competition Laws", Centre for Research on Innovation and Services, University of Hohenheim, 2013.

"Economic Effects of Competition Laws", Research Institute of Industrial Economics, Stockholm, 2013.

Invited Conference or Workshop Presentations

"Constitution-making in Periods of Conflict Workshop", Bordeaux 2024.

"Cultures of Trust and Institutions of Freedom Workshop", Prague 2024.

"Resilience and Diversity in Complex Systems Workshop", Hamburg 2024.

"ZEW-ifo Young Scholar Political Economy Workshop", Fürth 2024.

"DIMIG Workshop on Migration Economics and the Political Economy of Immigration", Paris 2023.

"Hamburg Workshop in Microeconomics", Hamburg 2023.

"IFN Conference on the Economics of Culture and Institutions", Vaxholm, 2022.

"Transition to Market Economy and the Rule of Law: Insights from Research and the German Experience", Arab Liberty Festival, Rabat, 2018.

German-Arab Graduate School Workshop, Cairo, 2017.

"Law and Economics of the Arab Region"-Workshop, Cairo, 2016.

"Law and Economics Workshop", Florence, 2016.

"Fighting Against Corruption Workshop", Cairo, 2015.

"Law and Economics of Corruption Workshop", Cairo, 2015.

"The Political Economy of Legal Institutions" - Special Session at the French Economic Association Conference, Rennes, 2015.

 "The Economics of Political Transitions Workshop", Tunis, 2014.

"The Judiciary between Transition and Constitution" - Conference of the Hanns Seidel Stiftung, Sousse, 2014.

"Do Constitutions Matter Workshop", Oxford, 2012.

Conference or Workshop Presentations

Ariel University-Political Economy Workshop (2017, 2019, 2022); Asian Society of Law and Economics (2016); Association for the Study of Religion, Economics, and Culture (2020); Ausschuss für Wirtschaftssysteme und Institutionenökonomik (2017); Danish Public Choice Workshop (2015-2020, 2023-2024); EMLE-Midterm Meeting (2012-2017, 2020, 2022-2024); European Association of Law and Economics (2011-2017, 2019-2021); European Political Science Association (2014, 2018, 2024); European Public Choice Society (2013-2019, 2021, 2023-2024); European Society for Empirical Legal Studies (2023); German Law and Economics Association (2017, 2019, 2021); Indiana University-Insights into Political Economy Workshop (2017-2019); Interdisciplinary Workshop on Institutional Economics, Freiburg (2014); International Conference on Political Economy and Institutions (2014); International Iranian Economic Association (2024); International Society of Public Law (2021); Italian Society of Law and Economics (2012, 2016); Law and Society Association (2011); Mediterranean Research Meeting (2013); Polish Law and Economics Conference (2021); Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship Conference (2017, 2020, 2023-2024); Public Choice Society (2012-2014, 2017, 2018, 2023-2024); The Rule of Law in EU External Action Workshop (2014); Supreme Court Economic Review Roundtable (2019); Silvaplana Political Economy Workshop (2014-2019, 2021-2024); Society for Empirical Legal Studies (2011); Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics (2013, 2015); Southern Economic Association (2021, 2023-2024); Verein für Socialpolitik (2018); World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (2014, 2018, 2023).