Selected publications in academic journals

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Robots and the Rise of European Superstar Firms (with J.Stiebale & N.Woessner), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2024 (VOX)

Regionale Disparitäten in der Transformation (with Philip Rademacher), Bertelsmann-Stiftung, 2024 (pdf)

Matching in Cities (with W. Dauth, S. Findeisen & E. Moretti), Journal of the European Economic Association, 2022  (pdf)  (VOX)  (Appendix)

Fiscal Transfers in the Spatial Economy (with Marcel Henkel & Tobias Seidel), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2021  (pdf)   (VOX)

The Adjustment of Labor Markets to Robots  (with W.Dauth, S.Findeisen, N.Woessner), Journal of the European Economic Association, 2021 (pdf)   (VOX)

Adjusting to Globalization in Germany (with Wolfgang Dauth & Sebastian Findeisen), Journal of Labor Economics, 2021  (pdf)  (VOX)

Quantifying the Gap between Equilibrium and Optimum under Monopolistic Competition (with Kris Behrens, Gio Mion & Yasu Murata), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2020   (pdf)   (Appendix)

The Future of Coal in a Carbon-constrained Climate, Nature (Climate Change), 2020  (Link)

Trade and Manufacturing Jobs in Germany  (with W.Dauth & S.Findeisen), American Economic Review (Papers & Proceedings), 2017 (VOX )

Spatial Frictions (with Kris Behrens, Gio Mion & Yasu Murata), Journal of Urban Economics, 2017  (VOX)

Relational Contracts and Supplier Turnover in the Global Economy  (with F. Defever & C. Fischer), Journal of International Economics, 2016

The Rise of the East and the Far East (with Wolfgang Dauth & Sebastian Findeisen), Journal of the European Economic Association, 2014

Trade, Wages, and Productivity (with Kris Behrens, Gio Mion & Yasu Murata), International Economic Review, 2014

City Age and City Size (with Kristian Giesen), European Economic Review, 2014 

Global Sourcing of Complex Production Processes (with Christian Schwarz), Journal of International Economics, 2014

Subsidizing Firm Entry in Open Economies (with Michael Pflüger), Journal of Public Economics, 2013

Dialects, Cultural Identity, and Economic Exchange (with O.Falck, S.Heblich & A.Lameli), Journal of Urban Economics, 2012

The Size Distribution Across All Cities - DPLN Strikes (with Kristian Giesen & Arndt Zimmermann), Journal of Urban Economics, 2010

Industry Churning and the Evolution of Cities: Evidence for Germany (with Sebastian Findeisen), Journal of Urban Economics, 2008

Integration, Agglomeration and Welfare (with Michael Pflüger), Journal of Urban Economics, 2008