Speakers of the JEF'2023 Conference (in alphabetical order)
Professor Guillaume Chevillon
ESSEC Business School, Paris, France
Guillaume Chevillon is Professor at ESSEC Business School, and Academic CoDirector of the ESSEC Metalab for Data, Technology & Society. He has also been, since its creation in 2015, codirector of the ESSEC|CentraleSupélec Master in Data Sciences & Business Analytics, among the top ranked such programs in Europe (#1 on average in Europe in QS rankings since their inception). His field of research is econometric theory with applications to forecasting and statistical learning in economics and finance. His interests range from dynamic spillovers in large scale networks to dependence in unstable environments and the reinforcement between agents’ behaviors and policies that aim to influence them. Applications include monetary policy, business cycles, financial bubbles, energy forecasting and climate control. Guillaume obtained an MPhil and a DPhil in Economics from the University of Oxford, and an MSc in Engineering from Ecole des Mines de Paris. He has been a visiting scholar or professor at, inter alia, Brown, Oxford, NYU, Keio, UNSW Sydney and the NY Federal Reserve.
Title: We modeled long memory with just one lag!
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Summary: We build on two contributions that have found conditions for large dimensional networks or systems to generate long memory in their individual components, and provide a multivariate methodology for modeling and forecasting series displaying long range dependence. We model long memory properties within a vector autoregressive system of order 1 and consider Bayesian estimation or ridge regression. For these, we derive a theory-driven parametric setting that informs a prior distribution or a shrinkage target. Our proposal significantly outperforms univariate time-series long- memory models when forecasting a daily volatility measure for 250 U.S. company stocks over twelve years. This provides an empirical validation of the theoretical results showing long memory can be sourced to marginalization within a large dimensional system. (Joint work with L. Bauwens and S. Laurent.)
Professor Jean-Marie Dufour
Department of Economics, McGill University, Canada
Jean-Marie Dufour is an economist and statistician who specializes in the development of methods for the analysis of economic and financial data. He holds a B.Sc. in Mathematics (McGill University), a M.Sc. in Statistics (Université de Montréal), and a Ph.D. in Economics (University of Chicago). His research involves important contributions to econometric methodology -- especially the development of more reliable statistical tests in structural and dynamic models (simulation-based inference, identification, causality), nonparametric methods in econometrics, financial statistics (asset pricing models, volatility modelling), methods for inequality analysis, and empirical work on a wide range of economic issues, such as taxation and investment, export financing, policy analysis in developing countries, dynamic macroeconomic models for forecasting and policy evaluation, the pricing of financial assets, and inequality measurement. He has published more than 150 articles, book chapters and special issue, most of which in international journals and publishers
Title: Practical estimation methods for high-dimensional multivariate stochastic volatility models
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Summary: We propose computationally inexpensive and efficient estimators for multivariate stochastic volatility (MSV) models with cross-dependence, Granger causality, and higher-order persistence in latent volatilities. The proposed class of estimators is based on a few moment equations derived from the VARMA representations of MSV models. Except for cross-dependence parameters, closed-form expressions for the other parameters are derived where no numerical optimization procedure or choice of initial parameter values is required. To increase the stability and efficiency of volatility persistence parameter estimates, we suggest shrinkage-type VARMA estimators where averaging or matrix-variate regression (MVR) is employed. We derive the asymptotic distribution of these estimators. Due to their computational simplicity, the VARMA estimators allow one to make reliable - even exact - simulation-based inferences by applying Monte Carlo test techniques. In empirically realistic setups, simulation results show that the proposed shrinkage estimator based on MVR is superior to Bayesian and QML estimators in terms of bias and root mean square error. We examine the precision of the shrinkage estimator using large-scale simulated data where models up to 1,500 dimensions and 4,503,000 parameters are fitted and studied. The proposed estimators are applied to stock return data, and the effectiveness of the proposed estimators is assessed in two ways. First, we show the usefulness of the proposed models and methods in estimating high-frequency returns with many assets and observations. Second, in the context of dynamic minimum variance portfolio strategy, we find that unrestricted higher-order MSV models outperform existing alternatives, including multivariate GARCH-type models. (Joint work with Md. Nazmul Ahsan.)
Professor Christian Francq
ENSAE-CREST and Université de Lille, France
Christian Francq is member of the laboratory CREST and professor of applied mathematics at Université de Lille and ENSAE, where he teaches time series analysis and financial econometrics. He is associate editor of Journal of Time Series Analysis and Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes. His main research interests include financial and time series econometrics, and theoretical econometrics. In these areas, his current research focuses on risk estimation, the estimation of volatility models and conditional ellipticity testing. He is co-author of a book entitled “GARCH models: Structure, Statistical Inference and Financial Applications” and of recent research articles published in Econometrica, Annals of Statistics and JRSS-B.
Title: Inference on GARCH-MIDAS models without any small-order moment
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Summary: In GARCH-mixed-data sampling (GARCH-MIDAS) models, the volatility is decomposed into the product of two factors which often received interpretations in terms of "short run" (high frequency) and "long run" (low frequency) components. While two-component volatility models are widely used in applied works, some of their theoretical properties remain unexplored. We show that the strictly stationary solutions of such models do not admit any small-order finite moment, contrary to classical GARCH. It is shown that the strong consistency and the asymptotic normality of the Quasi-Maximum Likelihood estimator hold despite the absence of moments. Tests for the presence of a long-run volatility relying on the asymptotic theory and a bootstrap procedure are proposed. Our results are illustrated via Monte Carlo experiments and real financial data. (Joint work with B. M. Kandji and J-M Zakoïan.)
Professor Christian Gouriéroux
CREST (Paris) and University of Toronto, Canada
Christian Gouriéroux is a Professor at the Departments of Economics at the University of Toronto and at Toulouse School of Economics, and in charge of the chair "Regulation and Systemic Risks". He holds a degree from ENSAE, the aggregation of Mathematics and obtained a thesis (Thèse d'état) from the University of Rouen. Professor Gouriéroux has published 20 books and about 200 papers in Journals such as Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Econometrics, Review of Finance. Currently, his research focuses on estimation and inference for noncausal processes and on the modelling and management of long run risk. He also received the silver medal from CNRS and honorary doctorates from the Universities of Montreal, Neuchatel and Mons.
Title: Long Run Risk in Stationary Structural Vector Autoregressive Models
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Summary: This paper introduces a local-to-unity/small sigma process for a sta- tionary time series with strong persistence and non-negligible long run risk. This process represents the stationary long run component in an unobserved short- and long-run components model involving different time scales. More specifically, the short run component evolves in the calendar time and the long run component evolves in an ultra long time scale. We develop the methods of estimation and long run prediction for the univariate and multivariate Structural VAR (SVAR) models with unobserved components and reveal the impossibility to consistently es- timate some of the long run parameters. The approach is illustrated by a Monte-Carlo study and an application to macroeconomic data. (Joint work with J. Jasiak.)
University of Verona, Italy
Giorgio Vocalelli is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Verona, Italy. His research interests include time series analysis, financial econometrics, macroeconometrics, and empirical finance. He has a PhD in Economics and Finance from Tor Vergata University of Rome, and a Master of Science in Economics from both the University of Gothenburg and Tor Vergata University of Rome. He has previously worked as a trainee at the European Central Bank Directorate of Risk Management, Risk Strategy Division. He has published articles in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Financial Econometrics and Small Business Economics, and has presented his work at various seminars and conferences.
Title: Taking advantage of biased proxies for forecast evaluation
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Summary: This paper studies the problem of assessing the predictive accuracy of different models when the variable of interest is observed with error. Since Patton (2011), forecasts have been compared using a class of loss function, leading to the true ranking when a conditionally unbiased proxy is used. However, conditionally unbiasedness often comes at the cost of increasing the noise of the proxy. We show that if bias and variances of proxies can be consistently estimated, a biased proxy is helpful to enhance the predictive accuracy comparison of two forecasts.
Professor Jean-Michel Zakoïan
Jean-Michel Zakoian is professor of financial econometrics at ENSAE-CREST, and professor of applied mathematics at Lille University (France). He is associate editor at Econometric Theory and Journal of Time Series Analysis. His main research interests include financial and time series econometrics, and theoretical econometrics. In these areas, his current research focuses on risk estimation, multiplicative component volatility models and non causal processes. He is co-author of a book entitled “GARCH models: Structure, Statistical Inference and Financial Applications” and of recent research articles published in Econometrica, Annals of Statistics, JASA and JRSS-B.
Title: Inference on conditional systemic risk measures
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Summary: We propose a two-step semi-parametric estimation approach for dynamic Conditional VaR (CoVaR), from which other important systemic risk measures such as the Delta-CoVaR can be derived. The CoVaR allows to define reserves for a given financial entity, in order to limit exceeding losses when a system is in distress. We assume that all financial returns in the system follow conditional location-scale models, allowing us to derive an expression of the dynamic CoVaR as an affine function of a quantile of the innovations distribution and the first two conditional moments of the asset under consideration. Our estimation method relies on an equation-by-equation Quasi-Maximum Likelihood (QML) estimation of the dynamic models. We show that the dynamic systemic risk measures can be consistently estimated under mild assumptions. The study of the asymptotic behaviour of the estimators and the derivation of asymptotic confidence intervals for the dynamic CoVaR are the main purposes of the paper. Our theoretical results can be extended to a multi-asset setting, and are illustrated via Monte-Carlo experiments and real financial time series. (Joint work with Loïc Cantin and Christian Francq)
Speakers of the HDDA-XII Workshop (in alphabetical order)
Professor Rauf Ahmad
Dr. Ahmad is Associate Professor at the Department of Statistics, Uppsala University. He did his Ph.D. in 2008 at the University of Göttingen, Germany, in the field of high- dimensional statistical inference. After a one-year stay as Guest Researcher at Linköping University, he worked as Researcher at Biometry division at SLU, Uppsala, and since 2011, has been at Uppsala University. He has published more than 30 research articles, and has recently co-authored a book (to be published by CRC). His main research interests are high-dimensional statistics, U-statistics, and linear models, particularly analysis of longitudinal or repeated measures data. He is currently Associate Editor of Statistical Papers.
Title: Tests of multivariate exchangeability for high-dimensional data
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Summary: Often in practice, same units are repeatedly observed under all experimental conditions, and simultaneous testing of mean vectors and covariance matrices for the resulting dependent data are required. For ex., same patients might be observed under drug and placebo, or expressions from normal and tumor cells are taken from same individuals. At a more general level, it pertains to testing for equal distributions, or exchangeability, of data vectors, since the group labels become arbitrary. The present work addresses this problem, where tests for multivariate exchangeability are constructed when the distributions may not necessarily be normal, particularly focusing on the case when the dimensions of parameters may exceed the sample size. Simple, computationally highly efficient, and consistent estimators are used to compose the test statistics. Simulation results are used to show the accuracy of the proposed tests. Applications on real data sets are also demonstrated.
Brock University, Canada
Dr. S. Ejaz Ahmed is a professor of statistics at Brock university, Canada. He is an internationally known scholar, educator, and an accomplished researcher. His research interests concentrate on big data, predictive modeling, and statistical machine learning with applications in many walks of life. His research has been supported by a variety of grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Ontario Centre for Excellence, and other sources throughout his academic career. He was awarded the prestigious Bualuang ASEAN Chair Professorship at Thammasat university, Bangkok. His academic and administrative achievements have been recognized with honors and awards, including the status of Fellow of the American Statistical Association; invited public lectures and talks around the globe; editor/associate editorship to influential scientific journals; and adjunct/visiting professorships at several universities.
Title: Post-shrinkage strategies in high-dimensional data analysis
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Summary: In high-dimensional settings where number of predictors is greater than observations, many penalized methods were introduced for simultaneous variable selection and parameters estimation when the model is sparse. However, a model may have sparse signals as well as with number predictors with weak signals. In this scenario variable selection methods may not distinguish predictors with weak signals and sparse signals. The prediction based on a selected submodel may not be preferable in such cases. For this reason, we propose a high-dimensional shrinkage strategy to improve the prediction performance of a submodel. Such a high-dimensional shrinkage estimator (HDSE) is constructed by shrinking a weighted ridge estimator in the direction of a candidate submodel. We demonstrate that the proposed HDSE performs uniformly better than the weighted ridge estimator. Interestingly, it improves the prediction performance of given submodel generated from most existing variable selection methods. The relative performance of the proposed HDSE strategy is appraised by both simulation studies and the real data analysis. Some open research problems will be discussed, as well.
Professor Mohamed Amezziane
Central Michigan University, USA
Mohamed Amezziane is a professor in the department of Statistics, Actuarial and Data Sciences, Central Michigan University. His research interests include model selection, semi-parametric modeling, non-parametric statistics and network traffic engineering.
Title: On Steinian Model Selection
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Summary: We use a consistent Stein risk estimator as an objective function with different constraints on shrinkage coefficients and on model parameters to obtain several tools for efficient selection of the parameters. The proposed class of threshold shrinkage estimators have explicit formulae and hence are intuitively interpretable. The asymptotic behavior of the estimators is investigated along with their ability to achieve reliable support recovery.
Professor Pierre Alquier
Pierre Alquier is a Professor of Statistics at ESSEC Business School, in the Asia-Pacific campus in Singapore, since January 2023. He obtained a PhD from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (now, part of Sorbonne Université) in 2006, under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Catoni. He was then a maître de conférences at Université Paris Diderot (now part of Université Paris Cité), a lecturer at UCD Dublin, a professor at ENSAE Paris and a research scientist at RIKEN AIP in Tokyo. He works on high-dimensional statistics and machine learning theory, with a focus on the theoretical analysis of Bayesian algorithm. He served as an area chair for various machine learning conferences including NeurIPS, AIStats, COLT and ALT. He is an associate editor for the Journal of Machine Learning Research and Transactions in Machine Learning Research.
Title: Rates of convergence in Bayesian meta-learning
Summary: The rate of convergence of Bayesian learning algorithms is determined by two conditions: the behavior of the loss function around the optimal parameter (Bernstein condition), the probability mass given by the prior to neighborhoods of the optimal parameter.
In meta-learning, we face multiple learning tasks, that are independent but are still expected to be related in some way. For example, the optimal parameters of all the tasks can be close to each other. It is then tempting to use the past tasks to build a better prior, that we use to solve future tasks more efficiently. From a theoretical point of view, we hope to improve the prior mass condition in future tasks, and thus, the rate of convergence. In this paper, we prove that this is indeed the case. Interestingly, we also prove that we can learn the optimal prior at a fast rate of convergence, regardless of the rate of convergence within the tasks (in other words, Bernstein condition is always satisfied for learning the prior, even when it is not satisfied within tasks).
This is joint work with Charles Riou (University of Tokyo and RIKEN AIP) and Badr-Eddine Chérief-Abdellatif (CNRS). The preprint is available: https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.11709
Professor Abdelaati Daouia
Toulouse School of Economics, France
Dr. Abdelaati Daouia is associate professor in mathematics at the University of Toulouse Capitole and member of Toulouse School of Economics. Abdelaati's research has been published in leading journals in statistics, like the Journal of the American Statistical Association and the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society-Series B. His main research fields are extreme value theory and frontier models. His recent work is related to statistical methods in risk handling and production econometrics. His attention is also directed towards shape constrained estimation. Currently, he is Associate Editor for the Journal of Nonparametric Statistics and the Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. He is principal investigator of the «ExtremReg» project, a research grant in mathematics of the French National Research Agency.
Title: Extreme expectile estimation for short-tailed data
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Summary: The use of expectiles in risk management has recently gathered remarkable momentum due to their excellent axiomatic and probabilistic properties. In particular, the class of elicitable law- invariant coherent risk measures only consists of expectiles. While the theory of expectile estimation at central levels is substantial, tail estimation at extreme levels has so far only been considered when the tail of the underlying distribution is heavy. The article I will present is the first work to handle the short- tailed setting where the loss (e.g negative log-returns) distribution of interest is bounded to the right and the corresponding extreme value index is negative. We derive an asymptotic expansion of tail expectiles in this challenging context under a general second-order extreme value condition, which allows to come up with two semiparametric estimators of extreme expectiles, and with their asymptotic properties in a general model of strictly stationary but weakly dependent observations. A simulation study and a real data analysis from a forecasting perspective are performed to verify and compare the proposed competing estimation procedures.
Professor Abbas Khalili
McGill University, Canada
Dr. Abbas Khalili is an Associate Professor of Statistics in the department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University, Montreal, Canada. His main research area includes high-dimensional (un)supervised statistical learning problems, post-selection inference, and statistical inference in latent variable models such as finite mixtures, mixture-of-experts, and Markov regime switching models. He has co-authored several papers in leading statistical journals. He is currently an associate editor of the Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. His research has been funded by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Fonds de Recherche du Quebec Nature et Technologies.
Title: Sparse estimation in Markov regime-switching models
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Summary: Markov regime-switching vector auto-regressives are frequently used for modelling heterogeneous and complex relationships between variables in multivariate time series analysis. Applications include analyzing macroeconomic time series such as manufacturing activities, consumer price indices, and housing and asset prices. The most common method of estimation in these models is maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). However, even for moderate data dimension and number of regimes, the MLE becomes unstable. In this talk, we present regularization-based estimators when the number of regimes in the model is correctly or over-specified. We also discuss theoretical properties and finite-sample performance of the methods, including forecasting, and conclude with a real data analysis.
Professor Olga Klopp
ESSEC Business School, Paris, France
Dr. Olga Klopp is a Associate Professor of Statistics of the Department of Information Systems, Decision Sciences & Statistics at ESSEC Business School and Academic director of the the ESSEC-CentraleSupélec and ESSEC-ENSAE Double Degrees. Her field of research is in high--dimensional statistics, and especially, in matrix completion and network models. She is a member of the ESSEC risk research center CREAR and of CREST,ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris. She has published his work in, inter alia, Journal of the American Statistical Association, NeurIPS, Annals of Statistics and Bernoulli Journal. She has been a visiting scholar at, inter alia, University of California-Berkeley, Cambridge University, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI), Research Triangle Park (NC) USA.
Title: Optimality of Variational Inference for Stochastic Block Model
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Summary: Variational methods are extremely popular in the analysis of network data. Statistical guarantees obtained for these methods typically provide asymptotic normality for the problem of estimation of global model parameters under the stochastic block model. In the present work, we consider the case of networks with missing links that is important in application and show that the variational approximation to the maximum likelihood estimator converges at the minimax rate. This provides the first minimax optimal and tractable estimator for the problem of parameter estimation for the stochastic block model. We complement our results with numerical studies of simulated and real networks, which confirm the advantages of this estimator over current methods.
Alexandre Tsybakov is currently a Professor and Head of the Statistics Department at CREST-ENSAE Paris. He has been at CREST-ENSAE since 2007. He is also a Professor at Sorbonne University, Paris. From 1993 to 2017 he was a Professor at University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris 6), and from 2009 to 2015 a Professor at Ecole Polytechnique. He was a member of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow, until 2007. He was Miller Professor at the University of California-Berkeley in 2006, and Distinguished Visiting Professor at MIT in 2017. Prof. Tsybakov is an author of 3 books and more than 150 journal papers. He is an elected Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and he has been awarded Lucien Le Cam’s Lecture by the French Statistical Society (2005), Medallion Lecture by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (2012), Gay-Lussac-Humboldt Prize (2013), an Invited Lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians (2014). He is a member of editorial boards of several journals.
Title: Variable selection, monotone likelihood ratio and group sparsity
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Summary: In the pivotal variable selection problem, we derive the exact non-asymptotic minimax selector over the class of all s-sparse vectors, which is also the Bayes selector with respect to the uniform prior. While this optimal selector is, in general, not realizable in polynomial time, we show that its tractable counterpart (the scan selector) attains the minimax expected Hamming risk to within factor 2, and is also exact minimax with respect to the probability of wrong recovery. As a consequence, we establish explicit lower bounds under the monotone likelihood ratio property and we obtain a tight characterization of the minimax risk in terms of the best separable selector risk. We apply these general results to derive necessary and sufficient conditions of exact and almost full recovery in the location model with light tail distributions and in the problem of group variable selection under Gaussian noise.
This is joint work with Cristina Butucea, Enno Mammen, and Mohamed Ndaoud.