
One does not need a good education, a religion or a higher goal to know wrong from right.

Thief: 'My daddy was an alcoholic and I was always sick as a child and we didn't get enough food and my teacher was so mean. And that's why I started raping and stealing from old ladies.'

Me: 'Fuck you ass-hole; you 're just a selfish bastard, that's all! If you had a bad childhood it's no excuse to act like a jerk and you know it!'

People who hurt others 'by accidence', can easily do it again and can therefore not be trusted, they are not aware enough to realize the consequences of their deeds, to prevent themselves from unintentionally hurting others over and over again. People that hurt others intentionally can. You can be sure they will do it again. These are the ones I call 'broken'. Like mad dogs they run around in small circles.They are mostly hurt themselves and need to be healed, although many are beyond repair. Anger and pain can only be mitigated by compassion if any.

Those who needs to put others down or restrict them in their culture or believes to achieve some 'higher' goal for themselves, did not grasp anything about life or religion itself and should, for the safety of whole humanity, be contained in reservations.

I denounce any form of weapon. If you are a man, you face your enemy barehanded and will not fight unless your 'loved ones' are in direct danger. Politicians should not send boys, often still children, to fight out their disagreements and stay safely home themselves. I bet hardly any wars would be fought if the politicians and president-directors had to face each other in combat.

If some crazy halfwit religious fanatic feels the needs to travel halfway round the globe to tell someone in a desert that he's wrong, please do not take him seriously. You wouldn't take someone serious that tells you the earth is flat. Nor someone who believes in talking snakes or splitting seas as real events, now would you?