
Following are quotes and sayings and thoughts that resonate with me, put together here randomly.

When all is told, we cannot tell, the question from the answer.

Which is to hold us under a spell, the dance or the dancer?

Leadership requires action. Do something; do anything.

The most important law about what you can do is what you can do with others. - Ashdown's Third Law

If you're feeling helpless, help someone. - Aung Sang Suu Kyi

The flaw in the educational system, as far as I can see it, is that you live your life - teachers and students - in the quest of As. Yet later in life, the A is irrelevant. - Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson

If you think the internet is just an extension of how to find the old stuff more easily, you have seriously missed the challenge all of us face.

- John Seely Brown

Will Richardson's new rules:

    • Create your own education.

    • Find problems and solve them.

    • Be unique.

    • Make beautiful, useful stuff.

    • Build a network of really smart people who you will never meet.

    • Be indispensable.

    • Do real work that changes the world.

    • Have a brand.

    • Share widely and safely.

    • Collaborate.

    • Add value.

    • Be a voracious learner.

    • Tread softly but boldly.

    • Edit the world.

Our trouble is not the over-all absence of smartness but the intractable power of pure stupidity, and no machine, or mind, seems extended enough to cure that. - Adam Gopnik

Don't stand by; stand up.

"Our view is, by the way, that if you can't make a school a great professional place for its staff, it's never going to be a great place for kids" (Brandt, 1992, p. 21, quoting Hank Levin)

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.

—Jan L.A. van de Snepscheut

There’s nothing magical about any tech tool. The real magic rests in the minds and hearts of teachers using digital tools to introduce students to new ideas and opportunities. - Presentation

Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time. - Hebrew proverb

A man will be imprisoned in a room with a door that's unlocked and opens inwards; as long as it does not occur to him to pull rather than push. --Ludwig Wittgenstein

"Twentieth-century teaching cannot meet 21st-century needs." Linda Darling-Hammond

I love you; the rest is just commentary. - after Hillel

生活真美好。 - 程岚


“Do not do what I do; rather, take whatever I have to offer and do with it what I could never imagine doing and then come back and tell me about it.” - Mark C. Taylor

Q: Which is greater, 4/11 or 5/13?

A: Who cares?

"Giving a child the best of everything robs her of the chance to learn how to make the best of what she has." Carl Honore



“But the thing is,” she went on, “it’s really none of my business. Who am I to tell someone how to live? I live the way I want, and they should live the way they want. I’m surely not going to stomp and raise heck and campaign against it.” - Shirley Cox

"I feel that much of the world's sorrow comes from people who are this, yet allow themselves be treated as that." - Maude (Harold & Maude)