
Ph.D. Students - Ongoing

6 students 

[6] Yannick Heiser (DTU), May 2024-ongoing [ LinkedIn ]

MSc in Physics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Joint supervision with Farzaneh Pourahmadi (DTU) and Lesia Mitridati (DTU) 

Thesis: Data-driven optimization and machine learning for operation and control of PtX hybrid plants

[5] Torine Reed Herstad (DTU), January 2024-ongoing [ DTU | LinkedIn ]

MSc in Mathematical Modeling and Computing, DTU, Denmark

Joint supervision with Lesia Mitridati (DTU) and Bert Zwart (TU/e)

Thesis: Probabilistic dimensioning and market design of ancillary services

[4] Alice Patig (DTU), April 2023-ongoing [ DTU | LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Edinburgh, UK

Joint supervision with Lesia Mitridati (DTU)

Thesis: Leveraging machine learning for market-based operation of virtual power plants

[3] Andrea Gloppen Johnsen (DTU), June 2022-ongoing [ DTU | LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Sustainable Energy, DTU, Denmark

Joint supervision with Lesia Mitridati (DTU)

Thesis: Market-based operation of power-to-X assets

[2] Thomas Falconer (DTU), May 2022-ongoing [ DTU | LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Energy Systems and Data Analytics, University College London, UK

Joint supervision with Pierre Pinson (Imperial College London)

Thesis: AI for electricity market design

[1] Bennevis Crowley (DTU), December 2021-ongoing [ DTU | LinkedIn ]

MSc in Sustainable Energy, DTU, Denmark

Joint supervision with Lesia Mitridati (DTU)

Thesis: Privacy-aware market design for energy communities

Ph.D. Students - Alumni

13 students 

[13] Peter Vistar Gade (DTU), Industrial PhD with IBM, June 2021-May 2024 [ DTU | LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Mathematical Modeling and Computing, DTU, Denmark

Joint supervision with with Henrik W. Bindner (DTU), Trygve Skjøtskift (IBM), and Signe Birgitte Schmid (IBM)

Thesis: Bringing demand-side flexibility to ancillary service markets [ Manuscript ]

Examination Committee: Johanna Mathieu (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), Pierluigi Mancarella (University of Melbourne), and Kai Heussen (DTU)

[12] Yannick Werner (DTU & NTNU), December 2020-November 2023 [ DTU ]

MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management, TU Berlin, Germany

Joint supervision with Ruud Egging (NTNU)

Thesis: Modeling electrolyzers and gas networks for integration with power systems [ Manuscript ]

Examination Committee: Victor Zavala (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Stein-Erik Fleten (NTNU), and Bissan Ghaddar (DTU)

[11] Enrica Raheli (DTU), September 2019-October 2023 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Energy and Nuclear Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Thesis: Physics-aware operation of power-to-X and natural gas systems [ Manuscript | slides | video ]

Examination Committee: Line Roald (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Josh Taylor (New Jersey Institute of Technology), and Chresten Træholt (DTU)

Next position: Energy System Analyst at Rambøll, Copenhagen, Denmark

[10] Linde Frölke (DTU), September 2019-March 2023 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Applied Mathematics, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Joint supervision with Pierre Pinson (Imperial College London)

Thesis: Market design for future district heating systems [ Manuscript | slides | video ]

Examination Committee: Erik Delarue (KU Leuven), Sonja Wogrin (TU Graz), and Shi You (DTU)

Next position: Data Scientist at Alliander, Arnhem, The Netherland

[9] Adriano Arrigo (University of Mons, Belgium), Graduated, October 2022 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Electrical Engineering, University of Mons, Belgium

Joint supervision with François Vallée (University of Mons)

Thesis: Advanced uncertainty- and physics-aware optimization for energy systems operation [ Manuscript | slides ]

Examination Committee: Yury Dvorkin (Johns Hopkins University), Kenneth Bruninx (TU Delft), Bertrand Cornélusse (University of Liège), Daniel Tuyttens (UMons), Jean-François Toubeau (UMons), Zacharie De Grève (UMons), and Christophe Caucheteur (UMons)

Next position: Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Mons, funded by Elia (Belgian TSO)

[8] Anubhav Ratha (DTU), Graduated, June 2022 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Energy Science and Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Joint supervision with Pierre Pinson (DTU) and Ana Virag (VITO)

Thesis: Market design for integrated energy systems of the future [ Manuscript | slides | video ]

Examination Committee: Miguel F. Anjos (University of Edinburgh), Alexandre Street (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro), and Spyros Chatzivasileiadis (DTU)

Next position: Data Scientist at Vestas, Copenhagen, Denmark

[7] Niklas Vespermann (Technical University of Munich, Germany), Graduated, March 2022 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Energy Science and Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Joint supervision with Thomas Hamacher (TU Munich)

Thesis: Market design for energy communities [ Manuscript | slides ]

Next position: Advisor (Referent) at German Regulatory Authority for the Gas and Electricity Sector, Bonn, Germany

[6] Vladimir Dvorkin (DTU), Graduated, March 2021 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar | Homepage ]

MSc in Economics, Higher School of Economics, Russia, and in Sustainable Energy, DTU, Denmark

Joint supervision with Pierre Pinson (DTU)

Thesis: Stochastic and private energy system optimization [ Manuscript | slides | video ]

Examination Committee: Alexander Shapiro (Georgia Tech), Adam Wierman (Caltech), and Spyros Chatzivasileiadis (DTU)

Next position: Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT Energy Initiative and MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS)

Current position: Tenure-track Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

[5] Anna Schwele (DTU), Graduated, November 2020 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Technology and Management, TU Munich, Germany

Joint supervision with Pierre Pinson (DTU)

Thesis: Integration of electricity, natural gas and heat systems with market-based coordination [ Manuscript | slides | video ]

Examination Committee: Ramteen Sioshansi (Ohio State University), Trine K. Boomsma (University of Copenhagen), and Qiuwei Wu (DTU)

Next position: Consultant at Ea Energy Analyses, Copenhagen, Denmark

[4] Alexander Hermann (DTU), Graduated, June 2019 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, DTU, Denmark

Joint supervision with Jacob Østergaard (DTU)

Thesis: Market-based methods for the coordinated use of distributed energy resources [ Manuscript | slides ]

Examination Committee: Christoph Weber (University Duisburg-Essen), Florin Capitanescu (LIST, Luxembourg), and Pierre Pinson (DTU)

Next position: Data Scientist at IKEA, Malmö, Sweden

[3] Lesia Mitridati (DTU), Graduated, May 2019 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar | Homepage ]

MSc in Sciences and Executive Engineering, MINES ParisTech, France

Joint supervision with Pierre Pinson (DTU)

Thesis: Market-based coordination of heat and electricity systems [ Manuscript ]

Examination Committee: Steven Low (Caltech), Maryam Kamgarpour (ETH Zürich), and Spyros Chatzivasileiadis (DTU)

Next position: Postdoctoral Fellow at Georgia Tech, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Current position: Tenure-track Assistant Professor at DTU, Department of Wind and Energy Systems

[2] Christos Ordoudis (DTU), Graduated, December 2018 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in EE, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and in Sustainable Energy, DTU, Denmark

Joint supervision with Pierre Pinson (DTU)

Thesis: Market-based approaches for the coordinated operation of electricity and natural gas systems [ Manuscript ]

Examination Committee: Pascal Van Hentenryck (Georgia Tech), Afzal Siddiqui (UCL), and Spyros Chatzivasileiadis (DTU)

Next position: Market and Data Analyst at Ørsted, Copenhagen, Denmark

[1] Lazaros Exizidis (University of Mons, Belgium), Graduated, December 2017 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Electrical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Joint supervision with François Vallée (University of Mons) and Zacharie De Grève (University of Mons)

Thesis: Electricity markets with high wind power penetration: Information sharing and incentive compatibility [ Manuscript ]

Examination Committee: Damien Ernst (University of Liège), Dirk Van Hertem (KU Leuven), Georges Kariniotakis (MINES ParisTech), Francois Glineur (UCLouvain), Marc Pirlot (UMons), and Jacques Lobry (UMons)

Next position: Market Modeling Advisor at ENTSO-E, Brussels, Belgium


Ongoing (1), Completed (3)

[4] Arega Getaneh Abate (DTU and EPFL), January 2023-ongoing [ DTU | Homepage  | Google Scholar | LinkedIn ]

Recipient of a fellowship by the EuroTechPostdoc2 Programme (a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship) [ link ]

PhD in Mathematical Methods of Economics, Finance, and Actuarial Sciences, Brescia University, Italy 

Joint mentorship with Maryam Kamgarpour (EPFL)

Research on AI-assisted electricity market design for sustainability

[3] Bob pepin (DTU), March 2023-December 2023 [ LinkedIn ]

PhD in Mathematics, University of Luxembourg

Research on optimal bidding in two-settlement markets

Next position: Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Copenhagen in Applied Probability and Machine Learning

[2] Liyang Han (DTU), July 2020-June 2022 [ LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of Oxford, UK

Joint mentorship with Pierre Pinson (DTU)

Research on data market design (part of Smart4RES project)

Next position: Senior Energy Markets Expert at Twig Energy, Copenhagen, Denmark

[1] Corey Kok (DTU), March 2018-February 2020 [ LinkedIn ]

PhD in Operations Research, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Joint mentorship with Pierre Pinson (DTU)

Research on flexibility markets (part of EcoGrid 2.0 and EnergyLab Nordhavn projects)

Research Assistants 

Ongoing (0), Completed (1)

[1] Alice Patig (DTU), September 2022-March 2023 [ DTU | LinkedIn | Google Scholar ]

MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Edinburgh, UK

Research on modeling and optimization of electrolyzers (part of HOMEY project)

Visiting Scholars

Ongoing (0), Completed (2)

[2] Vladimir Dvorkin (Postdoc, MIT), 2022 (1 month)

[1] Jean-François Toubeau (Postdoc, University of Mons, Belgium), 2020 (1 month)

Visiting Ph.D. Students

Ongoing (0), Completed (13)

[13] Luca Santosuosso (Mines Paris - PSL, France), 2024 (4 months)

[12] Nick Harder (University of Freiburg, Germany), 2023 (5 months)

[11] Gabriele Volpato (University of Padova, Italy), 2022-2023 (6 months)

[10] Martina Gherardi (University of Bergamo, Italy), 2022-2023 (10 months)

[9] Pedro de Otaola Arca (IIT Comillas, Spain), 2022 (3 months)

[8] Aitazaz Ali Raja (TU Delft, The Netherlands), 2021-2022 (6 months)

[7] Miguel Angel Muñoz (University of Malaga, Spain), 2021 (3 months)

[6] Tuhin Poddar (University of Waterloo, Canada), 2019 (3 months)

[5] Ana Baringo (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), 2019 (3 months)

[4] Farzaneh Pourahmadi (Sharif University of Technology, Iran), 2018-2019 (13 months)

[3] Dimitrios Thomas (University of Mons, Belgium), 2018-2019 (4 months)

[2] Lazaros Exizidis (University of Mons, Belgium), 2015 (6 months)

[1] Victoria Guerrero Mestre (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain), 2015 (6 months)

M.Sc. thesis projects

Ongoing (0), Completed (32)

[32] Emma Kyvsgaard Bøttern: Stochastic programming for optimal bidding strategies in the FCR-D market, August 2024

[31] Magnus Højmark Kristensen (with Enfor, joint supervision with Rune Grønborg Junker): Power trading using distributionally robust optimisation and regulation power price forecasts, August 2024

[30] Carl Frederik Grønvald (joint supervision with Thomas Falconer): Online regression markets with varying feature space, August 2024

[29] Filip Petri Petersen (with Twig Energy, joint supervision with Liyang Han and Junesoo Shin): Techno-economic analysis of energy storage technologies under different use cases, July 2024

[28] Emil Ventzel Damm and Gustav Adelgaard Lunde (joint supervision with Peter Gade): The synergy effect of aggregating distributed units for FCR-D bidding, February 2024

[27] Julius Meier (with CBS, joint supervision with Alexandra Lüth): Impacts of grid-based green hydrogen production on congestion management, August 2023

[26] Junesoo Shin and Daniel Brøndsted Nielsen (joint supervision with Peter Gade and Lesia Mitridati): Optimal bidding for batteries in electricity markets: A comparative study of stochastic and feature-driven models, August 2023

[25] Manuel Tobias Baumhof (with Ørsted, joint supervision with Jens Jakob Sørensen, Mathias Stolpe, and Enrica Raheli): Optimal investment in a hybrid power plant with solid oxide electrolyzers, August 2023

[24] Valdemar Søgaard (joint supervision with Yannick Werner and Samuel Chevalier): Neural network constrained gas flow optimization model, July 2023

[23] Anton Ruby Larsen and Mads Esben Hansen (joint supervision with Andrea Gloppen Johnsen and Yannick Werner): Distributionally robust portfolio management for hybrid power plants, June 2023

[22] Anne Sofie Skak-Iversen (joint supervision with Bennevis Crowley): Heterogenous risk preferences and risk trading for energy communities providing ancillary services, June 2023

[21] Emil Helgren (joint supervision with Lesia Mitridati): Feature-driven trading of wind power and hydrogen, February 2023

[20] Marco Saretta (with Hybrid Greentech, joint supervision with Enrica Raheli and Roar Nicolaisen): Optimal operational scheduling for electrolyzers participating in ancillary service markets, February 2023

[19] Antons Osadcijs (with EA Energianalyse, joint supervision with János Hethey): Stochastic programming for the optimal operation of PtX, February 2023

[18] Oliver Toftegaard Jensen (joint supervision with Liyang Han): Investment decisions of distributed energy resources in an energy community built on cooperative game theory, August 2022

[17] Adam Suski (with The World Bank, joint supervision with Debabrata Chattopadhyay): Game-theoretic analysis of Ukraine day-ahead electricity market, March 2022

[16] Andrea Gloppen Johnsen and Matěj Novotný (with Ørsted, joint supervison with Jens Jakob Sørensen, Alexander Holm Kiilerich, and Shi You): Optimal investment in power-to-x systems, February 2022

[15] Bennevis Crowley: Local energy market design: Cooperative versus competitive schemes, November 2021

[14] Louise Dournon (joint supervision with Liyang Han): Data marketplace for power systems, July 2021

[13] Marion Buchou (with EDF Store & Forecast, joint supervision with Noemie Boissier): Distributed optimization applied to a pool of batteries, August 2020

[12] Louis Hubert (joint supervision with Anubhav Ratha): Tightened relaxation for the coordination problem of power and natural gas systems, June 2020

[11] Oseze Esther Iyore (joint supervision with Christos Ordoudis and Pierre Pinson): Data-driven distributionally robust offering strategy for a wind power producer, October 2019

[10] Alvaro Coll Martinez (joint supervision with Anna Schwele and Anubhav Ratha): Coordination of power and natural gas systems under uncertainty, July 2019

[9] Charlotte Vervaeren (joint supervision with Anna Schwele): Coordination of power, district heating and natural gas systems, June 2019

[8] Makedon Karasavvidis (joint supervision with Nicolo Mazzi and Ken McKinnon): Offering strategy of a power producer using block offers, January 2019 ( thesis )

[7] Lucien Bobo (joint supervision with Lesia Mitridati, Pierre Pinson, and Josh A. Taylor): Price-region bids: Integrating flexible infrastructures in electricity markets, December 2018 ( thesis )

[6] Adriano Arrigo (joint supervision with Christos Ordoudis): A technical survey on OPF under uncertainty: An extensive out-of-sample analysis, June 2018 ( thesis )

[5] Rafael Martinez Gordon (joint supervision with Pierre Pinson and Lejla Halilbasic): Cost-optimal ATCs in zonal electricity markets considering partial coordination between zones, February 2018

[4] Anna Schwele (joint supervision with Pierre Pinson): Impact of unit commitment constraints on generation expansion decisions under wind power uncertainty, July 2017 ( thesis )

[3] Vladimir Dvorkin (joint supervision with Pierre Pinson and Luis Baringo): Multi-stage strategic investment in CCGTs and wind power units via progressive hedging, July 2017 ( thesis )

[2] Nicolas Gfeller (joint supervision with Pierre Pinson): Future electricity market scenarios with local energy system including their opportunities and challenges in Sweden, July 2016 ( thesis )

[1] Helena Perez (joint supervision with Pierre Pinson): Strategic ramp offering of a conventional flexible producer in the electricity market, June 2016 ( thesis )

B.Sc. thesis projects

Ongoing (0), Completed (3)

[3] Dawid Wikto Rataj and Benjamin Nadelmann (joint supervision with Arega Abate): Renewable expansion planning with emissions allowance trading, May 2024

[2] Junesoo Shin (joint supervision with Yannick Werner): Modeling gas flow directions as state variables: Does it provide more flexibility to power systems? August 2021

[1] Ida-Marie Palm (joint supervision with Linde Frölke):  Open district heating: Pricing of excess heat, June 2021