The EMA Section

The Energy Markets and Analytics (EMA) section (see here and here!) is one of the six sections of Division for Power and Energy Systems (PES), belonging to Department of Wind and Energy Systems of DTU. I am currently heading this section. 

The EMA section offers an international, diverse, and friendly atmosphere, encouraging creativity, empathy and team working within the section and beyond. The EMA section has a strong multi-disciplinary research focus on energy markets, advanced optimization and game-theoretic algorithms, AI and energy analytics. Many former EMA members are currently very successful scientists either in academia or in industry. 

We are currently 13 members in the section (including faculties, postdocs, and PhD students) from 10 nationalities, with diverse scientific backgrounds, including electrical engineering, industrial engineering, operations research, data science, applied math, etc. 

EMA members (May 2024)

To learn more about our department and the EMA section, please check slides [ here ], presented during the EMA study trip to TU Delft in September 2023. 

Remark: The EMA section is used to be "Energy Analytics and Markets" (ELMA) group within Center for Electric Power and Energy Systems (CEE), DTU Electrical Enginnering Department. Since March 2022, the former CEE (now PES division) is part of newly established DTU Wind and Energy Systems Department.  

The EMA Christmas Card, December 2023

The EMA study tour 2023, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Front (from left to right): Peter Gade, Thomas Falconer, Bennevis Crowley, Yannick Werner, Lesia Mitridati, Nick Harder, Farzaneh Pourahmadi, Alice Patig

Back (from left to right): Jalal Kazempour, Philippe Maisonneuve, Bob Pepin, Enrica Raheli, Andrea Gloppen Johnsen, Arega Abate

The EMA Christmas Card, December 2022

Back standing (from left to right): Jalal Kazempour, Thomas Falconer, Lesia Mitridati, Peter Vistar Gade, Andrea Gloppen Johnsen, Martina Gherardi, Enrica Raheli, Gabriele Volpato, Alice Patig, Eva Bülow Nielsen 

Front (from left to right): Bennevis Crowley, Linde Frölke

Edge (left): Mette Bytoft-Thomsen and Jiawei Wang

Edge (right): Amandine Pierrot and Yannick Werner

The EMA study tour 2022, KU Leuven, Belgium

Back standing (from left to right): Jalal Kazempour, Thomas Falconer, Lesia Mitridati, Peter Vistar Gade, Andrea Gloppen Johnsen, Martina Gherardi, Enrica Raheli, Gabriele Volpato, Alice Patig, Eva Bülow Nielsen 

Front (from left to right): Bennevis Crowley, Linde Frölke

The ELMA Christmas Card, December 2021

Back (from left to right): Eléa Prat, Liyang Han, Miguel Angel Muñoz, Yannick Werner, Linde Frölke, Mikhail Skalyga, Peter Vistar Gade, Anubhav Ratha, Jiawei Wang

Front (from left to right): Li Bai, Amandine Pierrot, Ying Lu, Enrica Raheli, Eva Bülow Nielsen

Bottom (from left to right): Jalal Kazempour, Bennevis Crowley, Mads Rønne Almassalkhi, Aitazaz Ali Raja

The ELMA study tour 2021, The Danish island of Bornholm (visiting BEOF and Municipality)

Back (from left to right): Jalal Kazempour, Anubhav Ratha, Linde Frölke, Ilgiz Murzakhanov, Samuel Chevalier, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Jochen Stiasny

Front (from left to right): Liyang Han, Eléa Prat, Amandine Pierrot, Rahul Nellikkath, Jiawei Wang, Eva Bülow Nielsen

The ELMA Christmas Card, December 2020

From top left to bottom right: Eléa Prat, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Anubhav Ratha, Vladimir Dvorkin, Jalal Kazempour, Ilgiz Murzakhanov, Liyang Han, Pierre Pinson, Lars Herre, Andrea Tosatto, Matas Dijokas, Li Bai, Jochen Stiasny, Amandine Pierrot, Eva Bülow Nielsen,  Morten Herget Christensen, Tiago Sousa, Linde Frölke, Rahul Nellikkath, Ingrid Munné Collado, Yannick Werner

The ELMA study tour 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland (visiting EPFL)

Back (from left to right): Ilgiz Murzakhanov, Jalal Kazempour, Tiago Sousa, Corey Kok, Andrea Marín Radoszynski, Anubhav Ratha

Front (from left to right): Morten Herget Christensen, Pierre Pinson, Lærke Rasmussen, Anna Schwele, Fabio Moret, Linde Frölke, Andreas Venzke, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis

The ELMA Group, December 2018, DTU

Back (from left to right): Jalal Kazempour, Lærke Rasmussen, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Christos Ordoudis, Vladimir Dvorkin, Andreas Venzke, Morten Herget Christensen, Corey Kok, Anubhav Ratha, Anna Schwele, Pierre Pinson

Front (from left to right): Andrea Tosatto, Lesia Mitridati, Andrea Marín Radoszynski, Tiago Sousa, Guillaume Le Ray, Li Bai, Farzaneh Pourahmadi, Lejla Halilbasic

The ELMA study tour 2018, Plitvice, Croatia (visiting University of Zagreb)

Back (from left to right): Andrea Tosatto, Corey Kok, Guillaume Le Ray, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Tiago Sousa

Front (from left to right): Christos Ordoudis, Vladimir Dvorkin, Lejla Halilbasic, Louise Falk, Morten Herget Christensen, Anna Schwele, Andreas Venzke, Jalal Kazempour, Azita Mirzaei, Farzaneh Pourahmadi

The ELMA study tour 2017, Porto, Portugal (visiting INESC)

From left to right: Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Stefanos Delikaraoglou, Thanasis Papakonstantinou, Christos Ordoudis, Lesia Mitridati, Vladimir Dvorkin, Morten Herget Christensen, Andrea Tosatto, Florian Thams, Tiago Sousa, Fabio Moret, Georgios Misyris, Andreas Venzke, Jakob Messner, Pierre Pinson, Tiago Soares, Etienne Sorin, Guillaume Le Ray, Jalal Kazempour, Lejla Halilbasic, Thomas Baroche, Anna Schwele

The ELMA study tour 2016, Nice, France (visiting MINES ParisTech) 

From left to right: Christos Ordoudis,  Stefanos Delikaraoglou, Jakob Messner, Tue Vissing Jensen, Lejla Halilbasic, Tiago Soares, Gergo Barta, Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Jalal Kazempour