Distributed Beamforming in Sensor Networks


This project aims to create a new sensor network architecture, AIDA, that uses antenna arrays of the distributed sensor nodes to create directional radio waves that can reach order-of-magnitude farther than individual antennas of the sensor nodes. Such a distributed antenna array is created by aligning antennas of multiple sensor nodes and transmitting the same information simultaneously at different phases. Because of wave reinforcement and cancellation, the signals can be highly directional and reach much longer distances than that by each individual antenna. While the concept of distributed antenna arrays has been studied theoretically recently, applying such antenna arrays to wireless sensor networks has not been fully explored.


This project is sponsored by the National Science Foundation under Grant CNS-0721873.



  • Energy Efficient Collaborative Beamforming in Wireless Sensor Networks.

    • Jing Feng, Yung-Hsiang Lu, Byunghoo Jung, and Dimitrios Peroulis.

    • In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 24-27, 2009.

  • Radiating Sensor Selection for Distributed Beamforming in Wireless Sensor Networks.

    • Che-Wei Chang, Akshay Kothari, Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, Dimitrios Peroulis, and Y. Charlie Hu.

    • In Proceedings of MILCOM, San Diego, CA, November 2008.

  • Energy-Efficient MAC and Routing Design in Distributed Beamforming Sensor Networks (abstract).

    • Dimitrios Koutsonikolas, Syed Ali Raza Jafri, and Y. Charlie Hu.

    • Poster, In 3rd ACM SIGCOMM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT 2007) Student Workshop, New York, NY, December 10, 2007.

  • Serkan Sayilir and Byunghoo Jung, "Maximum likely hood phase frequency detector for collaborative beamforming," IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp -, May 2010. (accepted)

The equipment (only for the trasmitters)

A good way to start my morning exercise. I moved all the equipment myself!

Actually, we moved the equipment together.

To measure the distance, I have to pull the ruler straight.

Where should the antenna be located? Let me check.

Mark the ground for the locations of the antennas.


Take a snapshot of the power strength at the receiver.

More transmitters for beamforming.

I am here to help!