Recent presentations and discussions


The Trade-off between Public Health and the Economy in the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kansas City Fed, June 2022.

Green Asset Pricing, joint with G. Benmir and G. Vermandel, Aarhus University, March 2021.

Leveraged Commercial Property Cycles, 2020 Virtual Cavalcade North America.

Structural Asymmetries and Financial Imbalances in the Eurozone, joint with F. Smets, SED St. Louis 2019.


Comments on "The risk-adjusted discount rate and social cost of carbon during the green transition" by S. Zhou and R. van der Ploeg, ESCB RCC Seminar, March 2023

Comments on "Toward a Green Economy: The Role of Central Bank's Asset Purchases", by A. Ferrari and V. Nispi Landi, ESRB Research Cluster on Monetary Economics, November 2021.

Comments on "A Theory of Housing Demand Shocks", by Z. Liu, P. Wang, and T. Zha, "Housing, Financial Markets and Monetary Policy", San Francisco Fed/UCLA, October 2021.

Comments on "The Rising Cost of Climate Change: Evidence from the Bond Market", by M. Bauer and G. Rudebusch, Chicago Fed, January 2021. 

Comments on "Stock Price Cycles and Business Cycles", by K. Adam and S. Merkel, ECB, October 2019.

Comments on "Putting the Cycle Back into Business Cycle Analysis", by P. Beaudry, D. Galizia and F. Portier, Deutsche Bundesbank,  November 2018.

Comments on “Monetary Policy and Asset Price Bubbles” by C. Blot, P. Hubert and F. Labondance, T2M Conference, University of Paris Dauphine, March 2018. 

Comments on “The Macroeconomic Effects of Trade Tariffs: Revisiting the Lerner Symmetry Result”, by J. Lindé and A. Pescatori, Bank of Spain, Nov. 2017.

Comments on “Aggregate Fluctuations and the Role of Trade Credit”, by L. Shao, ECB, May 2017.

Comments on “The Federal Reserve’s Portfolio and its Effect on Interest Rates”, by A. Boote, J. Huther, J. Ihrig, B. Klee and R. Sambasivam, Halle Institute for Economic Research, Sept. 2016.