Published Papers

IER article

WP version

In the Eurozone, monetary policy is more effective in times of credit crunches, when bank lending rates are higher than usual.

EER article 

WP version

When the contagion externality is properly addressed by lockdown policies, monetary policy can concentrate on its price stability mandate.

RED article 

WP version

      Why net capital inflows are procyclical in the South of Europe and how it affects welfare.

     JEEA article

WP version.

How the subprime shock propagated to the Eurozone economy. A short-lived shock that destroys a small fraction the economy's safe asset stock generates a deep recession, a stock market crash as well as  a flight-to-liquidity effect.

JFS article

Why we need to complement monetary policy with a macro prudential (or fiscal) instrument.

JMCB article

WP version

How to resolve asset pricing puzzles in a real business cycle model with endogenous labor supply.

BEJM article

WP version

A real business cycle model of the equity and housing risk premiums.