Ivan Jaccard
Welcome to my webpage!
The views expressed on this site are my own and do not reflect the views of the ECB or the Eurosystem.
Research interests: Macro-financial linkages, housing markets, monetary and fiscal policy, eurozone economy, environmental economics.
Email: ivan.jaccard"at"ecb.europa.eu; ivan.jaccard"at"gmail.com
A first draft of our paper "Green and brown returns in a production economy", which is joint work with Thore Kockerols and Yves Schueler, is available on request, May 2024.
"Monetary asymmetries without (and with) price stickiness" is published in the International Economic Review (May 2024 Issue).
Our paper, joint with Ghassane Benmir and Gauthier Vermandel, "Optimal monetary policy in an estimated SIR model" is published in the European Economic Review.
The Financial Times published a summary of our paper on carbon pricing: "The (carbon) price of progress on climate change".