Department of Mathematics

Northeastern University

360 Huntington Ave, Boston,

Massachusetts, 02115 USA

Office: Room 441, Lake Hall

Email: i [dot] halacheva [at] northeastern [dot] edu

I am an assistant professor at Northeastern University.

My research is supported by NSF grant DMS-2302664 Categorical centers, cactus actions, and diagram algebras, 2023-2026. 

I work on questions in geometric and combinatorial representation theory, quantum algebra, knot theory and low-dimensional topology.

I completed my PhD at the University of Toronto, where my advisors were Dror Bar-Natan and Joel Kamnitzer. You can have a look at my CV for some more information.

Some Mathematica code I have worked on is available at the Knot Atlas.

Spring 2024 activities:

GPRT seminar, GASC seminar, Categorification learning seminar

Upcoming conferences and seminars (2024/2025):

July 28-August 2: Workshop on 'Combinatorics and geometry of moduli spaces of curves' (Banff, Canada)

August 5-16: SwissMAP and University of Geneva visit (Switzerland)

September 9-13: ARTIN conference & research visit (Newcastle University)

September 15-20: Workshop on 'Quantization in representation theory, derived algebraic geometry, and gauge theory' (Les Diablerets, Switzerland)

October 12-15: Conference on 'Quantum groups and representation theory' (N.C. State University) 

November 20-26: KTGU Mathematics Workshop for Young Researchers (Kyoto University, Japan)

October/November: Geometry and Topology Seminar (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA)

April 21-25, 2025: Workshop on 'Geometry and representation theory associated to G-torsors on curves' (Brin MRC, Maryland)

May 18 -23, 2025: Oberwolfach workshop on 'Enveloping algebras and geometric representation theory'

TBD: Indiana University departmental colloquium

Recent conferences and seminars:

June 6-12: Sixth Canada-Mexico-USA conference on 'Representation theory, noncommutative algebra, and categorification' (Mexico City, Mexico)

June 3-7: Richard Stanley birthday conference (Harvard, USA)

May 31-June 3: CMS meeting (Saskatoon, Canada)

May 4-5:  AMS special session on 'Diagrammatic algebras in representation theory and beyond' (San Francisco, California)

May 1-3: Advances in Lie Theory, Representation Theory and Combinatorics: Inspired by the work of Georgia M. Benkart (SLMath, Berkeley, California) 

April 22: Geometry, symmetry, and physics seminar (Yale University)

April 14-21: Mathematics colloquium & research visit (Utah State University)

March 23-24: Mid-Atlantic Topology Conference 2024 (Northeastern University)

April 11-14: Gone fishing Poisson geometry conference (Northwestern University)

April 8-10: Representation theory and tensor categories seminar (Berkeley)

March 1-3: 14th Southeastern Lie Theory Workshop (University of Virginia)

January 24: Open Neighborhood Seminar (Harvard University)

January 19: Northeastern University Undergraduate Math Club Seminar

January 8-12: IPAM workshop on 'Symmetric tensor categories and representation theory' (UCLA)

January 3-6: AMS special session on 'Knots, skein modules, and categorification' (San Francisco)