Learning seminar: Stable envelopes and quantum groups

Spring 2023 Schedule   

Meeting place and time: Thursdays 9:30am-11:30am in 509 Lake Hall

Organizers: Elie Casbi, Hunter Dinkins, Iva Halacheva, Valerio Toledano Laredo,  Josh Wen, Yan Zhou

The main resource for the seminar will be the book: D. Maulik and A. Okounkov, Quantum Groups and Quantum Cohomology.  (see AMS bookstore and the arXiv)



Jan 19: LECTURE 1. Overview of the seminar theme.     Speaker: Hunter Dinkins

Jan 26: LECTURE 2. Geometric invariant theory.  Exercises     Speaker:  Josh Wen

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Feb 2: LECTURE 3. Hamiltonian reduction.  Exercises   Notes     Speaker:  Hunter Dinkins

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Feb 9: LECTURE 4. Quiver varieties I (definition, stability conditions).   Notes  Speaker:  Sean  Carroll      Mentor: Iva Halacheva

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Feb 16: LECTURE 5. Quiver varieties II (more on stability conditions).   (See Lecture 4 Notes)  Speakers: Sean Carroll and Ryan  Kannanaikal

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Feb 23: Quiver varieties III (examples, tautological bundles).   Notes  Speaker:  Ryan  Kannanaikal      Mentor: Josh Wen

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Mar 2: LECTURE 7. Equivariant cohomology I (definition, torus case examples, localization).  Notes  Speaker: Hongqin Zou    Mentor: Valerio Toledano Laredo

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Mar 9: (Spring Break)

Mar 16: LECTURE 8. Equivariant cohomology II (further examples, generalizations, Chern classes of tautological bundles).  Notes  Speaker:  Rahul Hirwani      Mentor: Josh Wen

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Mar 23: LECTURE 9. Geometry of stable envelopes I (definition, uniqueness).     Speaker:  Shengnan  Huang       Mentor: Yan Zhou

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Mar 30: LECTURE 10. Geometry of stable envelopes II (examples, existence).     Speaker:  Hunter Dinkins

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Apr 6: LECTURE 11. Hopf algebras and quantum groups.     Speaker:  Aria Masoomi    Mentor: Elie Casbi

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Apr 13: LECTURE 12. Yangians and the (algebraic) FRT construction.     Speaker:  Anadil Saeed Rao     Mentor: Elie Casbi

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Apr 20: LECTURE 13. Geometric R-matrices and the FRT procedure, properties of stable envelopes.     Speaker:  Ivan Karpov     Mentor: Hunter Dinkins

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Apr 27: LECTURE 14. ADE setting: algebraic vs geometric Yangians.     Speaker:  Vasily Krylov        Mentor: Hunter Dinkins

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(Possible further topics: Bow varieties and 3D mirror symmetry, Quantum cohomology. )



[AB] M. Atiyah and R. Bott, The moment map and equivariant cohomology

[BL] B. Bolognese and I. Losev, A general introduction to the Hilbert scheme of points on the plane

[Bo] R. Bott, An introduction to equivariant cohomology

[B] M. Brion, Equivariant cohomology and equivariant intersection theory

[BMO] A. Braverman, D. Maulik, A. Okounkov, Quantum cohomology of the Springer resolution

[CP] V. Chari and A. Pressley, A guide to quantum groups

[D] I. Dolgachev, Lectures on Invariant theory

[ES] P. Etingof and M. Semenyakin, A brief introduction to quantum groups

[G] V. Ginzburg, Lectures on Nakajima’s quiver varieties

[H1] V. Hoskins, Moduli problems and geometric invariant theory

[H2] V. Hoskins, Geometric invariant theory and symplectic quotients

[Ka] J. Kamnitzer, Symplectic resolutions, symplectic duality and Coulomb branches

[Ki] A. Kirillov, Quiver representations and quiver varieties

[Mi] A. Minets, Notes from stable envelopes reading group

[MO] D. Maulik and A. Okounkov, Quantum Groups and Quantum Cohomology

[Mc] M. McBreen, Quantum cohomology of hypertoric varieties and geometric representations of Yangians 

[M] A. Molev, Yangians and their applications

[O] A. Okounkov, Inductive construction of stable envelopes

[PV] V. Popov and E. Vinberg, Invariant theory in Algebraic geometry IV, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 55, Springer Verlag.

[S] A. Schmitt, Geometric Invariant Theory and Decorated Principal Bundles. Zurich lectures in advanced mathematics, EMS, 2008.

[W] C. Wendlandt, The R-matrix presentation for the Yangian of a simple Lie algebra

[T] R. Thomas, Notes on GIT and symplectic reduction for bundles and varieties

[Ty] J. Tymoczko, An introduction to equivariant cohomology and homology, following Goresky, Kottwitz, and MacPherson