Learning seminar on coideal subalgebras

Spring 2016 Schedule

Location: Fridays, 10am - 12pm at HU1018

Jan 29 Coideal subalgebras-background, generators, Harish-Chandra modules, examples. [L, Sections 1-6]

Speaker: Khoa Pham. Notes

Feb 5 Quantum symmetric pairs. [L, Section 7], [D], [Kn]

Speaker: Peter Crooks. Notes

Feb 12 Lie superalgebras. [CCF], [Ka1], [Ka2], [M]

Speaker: Khoa Pham. Notes

Feb 19 On the geometry of the Feigin-Odesskii Poisson structures on CP^n.

Guest speaker: Mykola Matviichuk. Notes

Feb 26 Quantum symmetric Kac-Moody pairs I. [Ko], [A]

Speaker: Alex Weekes. Notes

Mar 4 Quantum symmetric Kac-Moody pairs II. [Ko], [MRS], [HKS]

Speaker: Alex Weekes. Notes

Mar 11 Canonical bases, Hecke algebras, and Kazhdan-Lusztig bases. [Hu], [T]

Speaker: Anne Dranovski. Notes

Mar 18 Categorification and dualities I. [ES], [Hu2]

Speaker: Iva Halacheva. Notes

Mar 25 Categorification and dualities II. [ES]

Speaker: Iva Halacheva

Apr 1 Canonical bases from quantum symmetric pairs I. [BW]

Speaker: Chia-Cheng Liu

Apr 8 Canonical bases from quantum symmetric pairs II. [BW]

Speaker: Chia-Cheng Liu