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If you are age 14, you may join MN Youth DFL

MYDFL’s mission is to engage young Democrats to participate in Minnesota and national politics, identifying and advancing progressive issues, developing and supporting young candidates, sustaining community partnerships, and developing leadership in young progressive Minnesotans.

MYDFL empowers young people, giving them a voice to advocate for youth issues. MYDFL gives young people the leadership experience they need to excel in politics, non-profits, and business.

If you will be age 16 on Election Day, you may work as an election judge trainee, receive training, and be paid for your work.

You cannot be asked to work past 10:00 p.m. You will be assigned the same duties as other judges, with the exception of tasks requiring party affiliation. You will need to attend and complete the same training as other judges. To qualify, you must be 16 or 17 on or before Election Day, be a U.S. citizen in good academic standing at a Minnesota high school (or home schooled), and get permission from your parents and your school. It's an invaluable chance to both contribute to democracy and learn the mechanics of how elections are run. Learn more HERE and click on this Interest Form:

If you are age 16 you may participate in DFL precinct caucuses held in even years.

Although you cannot be an elected delegate, or vote for delegates, or vote on a preference ballot, you may present party resolutions, participate in all other precinct caucus business, and even run for party office. [Article IV Sec 1 (p. 8) MN DFL Constitution and Bylaws]. Learn about DFL Precinct Caucuses HERE.

More Youth Resources

Democratic Youth Coalition (National)

Advancing youth voice in political conversations.

The Democratic Youth Coalition represents an inclusive national grassroots movement of young activists participating in civic engagement programs that support progressive campaigns and causes. Programs include youth-led town halls, outreach and issue based campaigns, and coalition-building partnerships that empower youth to get involved in democracy. The youth vote is extremely important, not only for presidential elections, but for all future elections, and our work will ensure that the United States continues to receive strong youth and student engagement.

High School Democrats of America (National)

A student-led caucus that seeks to mobilize young people and elect Democrats. HSDA student activists across the country engage in political activity and advance the agenda of the Democratic Party.

Your Vote Matters (Minnesota)

This three-lesson unit teaches students about voting rights, the importance of voting, and how to get ready to vote. It includes ready-to-print handouts, interactive discussion prompts, and engaging classroom activities. Each lesson lasts one class period and can be taught independently or together.

College Democrats of America

A college caucus committed to electing Democrats everywhere – from the school board to the Oval Office. We’re mobilizing voters across the country and building on our historic 2020 victories. Together, we will build a better America.