
Selected Publications

Journal papers

  • Mihaylov, M., Rădulescu, R., Razo-Zapata, I., Jurado, S., Arco, L., Avellana, N., & Nowé, A. (2019). Comparing stakeholder incentives across state-of-the-art renewable support mechanisms. Renewable energy, 131, 689-699.
  • Iván S. Razo-Zapata, Jaap Gordijn, Pieter De Leenheer and Roel Wieringa. e3Service: A critical reflection and future research. Business & Information Systems Engineering. Volume 57, Issue 1, February 2015, Pages 51-59.
  • Iván S. Razo-Zapata, Gerardo Castañón and Carlos Mex-Perera. Self- Healing in Transparent Optical Packet Switching Mesh Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Perspective. Computer Networks. Volume 60, Issue 0, February 2014, Pages 129-146.
  • Iván S. Razo-Zapata, Carlos Mex-Perera and R. Monroy, Masquerade Attacks Based on User’s Profile. Journal of Systems and Software. Volume 85, Issue 11, November 2012, Pages 2640–2651.

Book chapters

  • Iván S. Razo-Zapata, Pieter De Leenheer, Jaap Gordijn and Hans Akkermans. Service Network Approaches. In Handbook of Service Description: USDL and its Methods. Alistair Barros and Daniel Oberle editors, Pages 45 - 74, Springer, 2012.

Conference proceedings

  • Iván S. Razo-Zapata, Mihail Mihaylov and Ann Nowé. Integration of load shifting and storage to reduce gray energy demand. 5th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS), 2016. Nominated for Best Paper Award.
  • Iván S. Razo-Zapata, Pieter De Leenheer, Jaap Gordijn and Hans Akkermans. Fuzzy Verification of Service Value Networks. In Proc. of 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE’12), Springer, 2012.
  • Iván S. Razo-Zapata, Jaap Gordijn, Pieter De Leenheer and Hans Akkermans. Dynamic Cluster-based Service Bundling: A value-oriented framework. In Proc. of IEEE 13th Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC), 2011.

Technical Reports

  • Iván S. Razo-Zapata, Pieter De Leenheer, Jaap Gordijn and Hans Akkermans (2013). On Service Value Networks: Design, Analysis and Composition.VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands.(PDF)

An almost complete list of publications can be found here.