About the ISMM (En)

Israel Society for Medical Mycology (ISMM)

The Israel Society for Medical Mycology (ISMM) was founded in 1971 by Professor Beemer and Professor Kutin of the Institute for Biological Research in Ness-Ziona.

The main goal of the ISMM is the advancement and representation of Medical Mycology in Israel and globally.

Medical Mycology is taught in Israel in all four Medical Schools and the Veterinary School, either as a separate discipline or as part of the Microbiology Course.

The membership of the ISMM includes scientists and science graduate students from universities in Israel, as well as mycologists in hospitals, community clinics and veterinary services, involved in diagnosis of superficial and deep-seated human and animal mycoses. The Society Membership includes also physicians from various medical specialties with interest in Medical Mycology.

The ISMM has a four member Council consisting of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Webmaster.

The ISMM is affiliated with the Israel Society of Microbiology (ISM) and the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID). It is a member of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM). A number of ISMM members are also members of the International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM).

The ISMM hosted three successful international mycological events: the ISHAM 1979 Congress in Tel-Aviv, in 1989 the 1st International Congress of Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis in Jerusalem and in 2001 the 7th ECMM Congress, which due to a period of political unrest, was moved to Rhodes.

In addition, ISMM members organized sessions dedicated to medical mycology in two international congresses held in Jerusalem - IUMS and IMC in 1996 and 1998, respectively.

ISMM holds annually two meetings: in spring in the frame of the Annual Conference of the ISM and in fall, an independent one day meeting where members and invited guests present research and review lectures.