

Working papers

"Nominal Exchange Rate Variability, Nominal Wage Rigidity, and the Pattern of Trade."

"Cost of Price Rigidity under Trend Inflation: Evidence from International Trade" (The title of the presentation may differ.)

"Development Accounting and International Trade"

"Trade Costs and Business Cycle Transmission in a Multi-country, Multi-sector Model"

"The World Has More Than Two Countries: Implications of Multi-Country International Real Business Cycle Models"

Published and forthcoming papers

"Optimal Long-run Inflation in an Open-economy," European Economic Review, Sep 2022, 148: 104223. 

"Capital Heterogeneity as a Source of Comparative Advantage: Putty-Clay Technology in a Ricardian Model", Journal of International Economics, Mar 2016, 99: 223-236.

"Trade in Polarized America: the Border Effect between Red States and Blue States" (with Miwa Matsuo), Economic Inquiry, Jul 2015, 53(3): 1647-1670.

"U.S.-Canada Border Effect between 1993 and 2007: Smaller, Less Asymmetrical, and Declining" (with Miwa Matsuo), Review of World Economics, May 2015, 151(2): 291-308.

"Inventory-Theoretic Money Demand and Relative Price Dynamics"(with Nao Sudo), Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Mar-Apr 2013, 45(2-3): 299-326.

"Aggregate Returns to Social Capital: Estimates Based on the Augmented Augmented-Solow Model" (with Yasuyuki Sawada), Journal of Macroeconomics, Sep 2009, 31(3): 376-93.

Publication in Japanese

"Kokusai Boueki-ron no Kinnenn no Shinten: Ishitsuteki Kigyou no Boueki Koudou ni Kansuru Riron to Jisshou"

     (in Japanese; "A Survey on Recent Theoretical and Empirical International Trade Literature"), 2013, Kinyu Kenkyu 32 (2): 1-61.

Faded projects

"Conventionally Measured Productivity and Underlying True Productivity in the Melitz Model."
