
Saturday, Sept. 22 (in Boylston 105)

 Governing Binding: How far does syntax reach?  (abstract) (slides)

 Unequal anaphors: the privileged place of person and perspective  (abstract) (handout)

Eliminating exemption: The logophoric A-binder hypothesis (abstract) (slides)

Investigations into -Self Expressions (abstract) (handout)

TBA (The Bare Analog) (handout)

Head-mediated antecedent agreement (abstract) (handout)


Sunday, Sept. 23 (in Boylston 105)

 Crosslinguistic investigations of (anti-) logophoricity: Perspectival effects within and across clauses (abstract) (slides)

 Rebels without a clause: Processing reflexives in fronted wh-predicates (abstract) (slides)

De de re ipsa (abstract)

The argument from counteridenticals (abstract) (handout)

Concept generators and tense (abstract)