

(Anaphoricity and Logophoricity)

Harvard University, September 22-23, 2018

This workshop focuses on anaphoricity/logophoricity/exempt anaphora. The kind of general questions we are interested in are: 

- what is the catalog of possible behaviors for such expressions (mandatory local binding, mandatory binding, perspective orientation, etc...)? 

- what are the constraints on their distribution (e.g. condition A or logophoricity) and why do we find these constraints rather than other a priori conceivable options? 

- what is the relation between the internal properties of such expressions and their distribution and interpretation? 

- are there connections between the behavior of such expressions and other linguistic phenomena that suggest more abstract unifications than currently assumed? 

Invited speakers

Byron Ahn (Princeton University)

Brian Dillon (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)

Jim Huang (Harvard University)

Elsi Kaiser (University of Southern California)

Hazel Pearson (Queen Mary University of London)

Eric Reuland (Utrecht University)

Ken Safir (Rutgers University)

Yael Sharvit (University of California, Los Angeles)

Sandhya Sundaresan (Leipzig University)


Isabelle Charnavel (Harvard University)

Dominique Sportiche (University of California, Los Angeles)

Click here for the program.

This workshop is generously supported by the National Science Foundation (grants #1424054 and #1424336).