
Main Projects and Interests

Syntax and Semantics

Binding domains for Condition A (with D. Sportiche)

Exempt anaphora: description and theory

Reflexives se, son propre, soi and lui-même in French

Reflexives cachey and caki-casin in Korean (with D. Ahn)

Reflexive himself in English (with C. Zlogar and S. Bryant)

Reflexive ziji in Mandarin (with Y. Huang)

Reflexive sig in Icelandic (with D. Sportiche)

Reflexivity in Lakhota (based on fieldwork, 2010)

Relation between reflexivity and logophoricity

Categorization of logophors into different subtypes (attitude, empathy vs. deixis)

French son propre, lui-même, soi, son cher

Clitic clusters and antilogophoricity (with V. Mateu)

Supersloppy readings with I and you

Perspectival effects in causal clauses

Implicit causality, (anti)logophoricity (with B. Dillon and A. Goebel)

Perspectival effects in concessive clauses (with G. Lund)

Blocking effects in English (with S. Sloggett)

Free Indirect Discourse

Indexical binding (with A. Dieuleveut, T. Meadows, D. Müller and Dominique Sportiche)

Adjunct clauses and Theory of Mind (with Jill de Villiers and Stephanie Durrleman)

Interaction between binding and focus

Theory of focus (phonology/syntax/semantics/pragmatics mapping)

Son propre ('his own') and lui-même ('himself') in French

Covert focus operator E (cf. even)

Scalar particles in French (même, quand même, seulement, ne serait-ce que)

Uniform analysis of même/différent/autre in French

Implicit arguments of relational nouns and adjectives

Comparative clauses and ellipsis

Scope and quantifiers

Superlative clauses


Experimental testing of theories in syntax/semantics

Experimental testing of acquisition of Theory of Mind

Using the eye-tracking technique to understand sight-reading (with C. Schütze, 2010)

Unaccusativity of reflexive se in French (with F. Adani and N. Hyams, 2010)

Dance cognition

Exploring the cognitive structures of dance/movement as compared to music and languages (in relation to Philippe Schlenker's larger project LINGUAE)


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