Recent updates

June 2024

Paper "Èto -- èto predikativizator: A ‘big DP’ analysis of Russian copular constructions" [with Lena Borise and Marcel den Dikken], published in Glossa. 

[open access]

May 2024

I was a panelist at the Round Table on The Mayan-Austronesian Connection, at Mayfest 2024, a workshop organized to celebrate Maria Polinsky

February 2024

Talk "On the status of implicit objects in the antipassive" [with Maria Polinsky] and poster "Determining the inventory of v and Voice" at the Form and Analysis in Mayan Linguistics (FAMLi VII).

[handout for the talk] 

January 2024

Book "The Hill Mari grammar from a typological perspective" [in Russian], edited by Egor Kashkin et al., is finally out.  I contributed chapters on reflexives and intensifiers, clausal arguments [with Polina Pleshak], and pronouns. 

Poster "On the inventory of v and Voice" at the 54th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS 54).


Teaching updates 

July-August 2024

Course "Introduction to Syntax" at the Eastern Generative Grammar school (EGG) (Brašov, July 22-August 2)

June-July 2024

Course "Introduction to Syntax" at Virtual NYI #9 (online, June 27-July 12).