Irina Burukina

irina [dot] burukina [at] btk [dot] elte [dot] hu
irine [dot] burukina [at] nytud [dot] hu 


I am an assistant professor at the Department of English Linguistics at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) and I also work as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Center for Linguistics.  

I work on syntax, morphology, and syntax - semantics interface. The big question that interests me the most is how syntax puts together predicates and arguments and what it means for the clausal domain to be deficient in terms of argument licensing.  The research topics that I have been working on include non-finite subordination, predication, nominal licensing, Case, and agreement. 

Primarily I work with Uralic and Slavic languages investigating various patterns of non-finite subordination. I am a member of a research group led by Éva Dékány, working on mixed extended projections. One of my current projects is about infinitival and imperative adjunct clauses in Mari (Uralic), and I am associated with the network Adverbial clauses and subordinate dependency relationships.  

I also work on Kaqchikel (a Mayan language) under the auspices of the UMD Guatemala Field Station. In Kaqchikel, I examine argument structure and the voice system, focusing on predication, the types of voice, and deverbal nominalization. Together with Maria Polinsky I am currently  working on a project on the antipassive-like constructions and the structure of vP-VoiceP. 

Prior to this research, I investigated lexical reflexives and intensifiers in Hill Mari (Uralic) and Kabardian (Northwest Caucasian) languages.

I obtained a PhD degree (summa cum laude) at the Department of English Linguistics, ELTE, in 2019. Dissertation "Raising and control in non-finite clausal complementation" (available on request).

Other pagesorcid    ResearchGate  MTMT 
In my surname the stress falls on the second syllable: Burúkina.  My name is spelled Ирина Бурукина in Russian and Irina Burukina in English (as it appears in my passport). Other common versions of my first name in English are Irine and Irene, and I often use the former in everyday life.  
You can find some photos I took while doing field work in Guatemala and in Russia in the Gallery .
In my free time I enjoy reading, travelling, and knitting socks and shawls. I'm also learning to bake -- please let me know if you have a recipe to share.