
(to appear)

Restricting person in comitative conjunction. To appear in Journal of Slavic Linguistics.

Non-morphological sources and triggers of morphological change. To appear in Wiley Blackwell Companion to Diachronic Linguistics (ed. by Adam Ledgeway, Edith Aldridge, Anne Breitbarth, Katalin É. Kiss, Joseph Salmons & Alexandra Simonenko). [with Ekaterina Georgieva]

On the inventory of v and Voice. To appear in Proceedings of NELS 54. [with Maria Polinsky


Deriving rationale clauses: infinitives and imperatives. To appear in Proceedings of Olinco 2023. 

A result nominalization analysis of the Kaqchikel periphrastic perfect. To appear in Proceedings of the 40th West Coast Conference of Formal Linguistics.

(in prep.)

Antipassives and verbal projections, Ms.  Submitted to a journal. [with Maria Polinsky]

(Un)marked subjects and person-number marking in non-finite clauses in Mari, Ms. Submitted to a journal.

Rationale clauses in Mari: The power within, Ms.  Submitted to a journal.


A ‘big DP’ analysis of Russian copular constructions with èto. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 9(1).  [with Lena Borise and Marcel den Dikken]


published version


External merge to Spec,CP: Complementizers projecting an argument.  Syntax 26(1): 85--105.

published version 

On the syntax of postpositional phrases in Mari: Choosing between two structures . Journal of Uralic Linguistics 2(2): 158-193.

published version  

On the syntax of the Russian control verbs pomoč 'help' and pomešat’ 'hinder'.  Journal of Slavic Linguistics 32(2): 157-194.

lingbuzz (preprint)

Refleksivy i intensifikatory [Reflexives and intensifiers]. In Elementy gornomarijskogo jazyka v tipologičeskom osveščenii [The Hill Mari language from a typological perspective], 595-613. E.V. Kashkin (ed.) Moscow: Buki Vedi.

the chapter 

Konstrukcii s sentencial'nymi aktantami [Constructions with sentential arguments]. In Elementy gornomarijskogo jazyka v tipologičeskom osveščenii [The Hill Mari language from a typological perspective], 721-752. E.V. Kashkin (ed.) Moscow: Buki Vedi. [with Polina Pleshak, Davijuk T. I., Sirotina A. Yu.]

the chapter 

Nominalized antipassive constructions in Kaqchikel. In Proceedings of Workshop on the Structure and Constituency of the Languages of the Americas 24, 15-29. D. K. E. Reisinger & Hannah Green (eds). Vancouver, BC: UBCWPL. 

published version 


Voprosy otglagol'noj nominalizatsii v jazyke kakchikel [Patterns of deverbal nominalization in Kaqchikel].  Voprosy Jazykoznanija 6: 62--80. [with I. P. Burukina]

published version 

On dative subjects and agreement with infinitives licensed by an external P head. In NELS 52: Proceedings of the Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, 105--118. Pratley, Breanna, Bakay, Özge & Neu, Eva (eds). Amherst, MA: GLSA.


Review of: Caponigro, Ivano, Torrence, Harold, and Roberto Zavala Maldonado (eds.) Headless Relative Clauses in Mesoamerican Language. 2020.  Journal of Linguistics: 1--6.

published version 


Profile of reflexives in Hill Mari. Folia Linguistica 55(1): 127--162. 

published version 

Licensing of DP/PRO embedded subjects in Russian. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 29. 

published version

On the nature of arguments in event nominals. In Proceedings from LSA 2021 meeting 6(1): 996--1008.

published version 

When embedded C projects an argument. In NELS 51: Proceedings of the Fifty-First Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, 99--112. Farinella, Alessa & Hill, Angelica (eds). Amherst, MA: GLSA.

Review of: Ian Roberts. Parameter Hierarchies and Universal Grammar. 2019.  Voprosy Jazykoznanija 4: 160--165.

published version 


Mandative verbs and deontic modals in Russian: Between obligatory control and overt embedded subjects.  Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 5(1): 54.


published version

Object control: hidden modals. In Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2017, 1--14. Marušič, Franc, Mišmaš, Petra & Žaucer, Rok (eds). Berlin: Language Science Press.

published version


Reflexive functional head, verbal and nominal predicates. In Proceedings of the 36th West Coast Conference of Formal Linguistics, 91-98. Richard Stockwell, Maura O'Leary, Zhongshi Xu & Z.L. Zhou (eds). Cascadilla Proceedings Project.

published version 


Semantika i sintaksis intensifikatora ške v gornomarijskom jazyke [Semantic and syntactic properties of intensifier ške in Hill Mari]. In Malye jazyki v bol’šoj lingvistike: sbornik [Small languages in big linguistics: proceedings]. Moscow: Buki-Vedi. 29--35.

Formal’naja harakteristika refleksiva -i’ v jazyke kakchikel [Formal description of -i’ reflexives in Kaqchikel]. In Malye jazyki v bol’šoj lingvistike: sbornik [Small languages in big linguistics: proceedings]. Moscow: Buki-Vedi. 23--29.



On the possibility of subject raising in Russian. In Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters 4: 34--45.
