Save Muntadhar al-Zaidi
Gideon Polya, “Save Muntadhar al-Zaidi”, MWC , 22 December 2008.
Letter to the Editor: Save Muntadhar al-Zaidi
Last Sunday, in Occupied Iraq, a courageous Iraqi journalist made a lone protest against the US Occupation of Iraq by throwing his shoes at George Bush., (and other comments at,,,
He was immediately attacked by other journalists (sycophants to the US-sponsored puppet government) and security and is now in custody.
After the media attention is quiet he will probably "disappear". People are mobilising to obtain his release and ensure his safety
As part of this I wanted to draw your attention to two important petitions that I recently signed:
One at and the other, "The 50,000 Signatures Campaign for Muntadhar al-Zaidi" at
I really think this is an extremely important cause, and I'd like to strongly encourage others to add their signature to these petitions, too.
In Occupied Iraq post-invasion violent deaths total about 1 million; post-invasion avoidable deaths (excess deaths) from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease total about 1 million; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.6 million (90% avoidable and due to Occupier war crimes in non-supply of life-sustaining requisites demanded by the Geneva Convention); there are 6 million refugees (including 2 million internally displaced people) (see "9-11 excuse for US global genocide. The real 9-11 atrocity: millions dead (9-11 million) in Bush Wars": ).
The Iraqi Holocaust is an Iraqi Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention. Bush is one of the world's worst war criminals and, as demanded by British Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter in his 2005 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, should be arraigned before the International Criminal Court. Muntadhar al-Zaidi is a World Hero - he must be urgently released, protected and rewarded and honoured for his courage and commitment to truth and Humanity.
Yours sincerely,
Gideon Polya.