
After clicking on the "Formula" button, the formula editor will open:

You can use numbers, brackets "()", operators from the "Operators" group, and variables from the "Variables" group in the formula.

The "Operators" group contains valid operators in formulas. All buttons in the group are clickable (they insert their operator into the formula).

Special operators:

# - returns a random number in the specified interval, example: 1#5 - the result will be a random number from 1 to 5

Mathematical operators:

^ - exponentiation, example: 10^3 result 1000

*, /, -, + - multiplication, division, subtraction, addition

Comparison operators (allow you to compare two values with each other and, if the condition is met, the result is 1, and if not, the result is 0):

< - less than, example: (1 <2) result 1, (2 <1) result 0, (2 <2) result 0

<= - less than or equal to, example: (1 <= 2) result 1, (2 <= 1) result 0, (2 <= 2) result 1

= - equals, example: (2 = 1) result 0, (2 = 2) result 1

>= - greater than or equal to, example: (1=>2) result 0, (2>=1) result 1, (2>=2) result 1

> - greater than, example: (1> 2) result 0, (2> 1) result 1

<> - not equal to, example: (1<>2) result 1, (2<>2) result 0

The "Variables" group contains valid variables for formulas. All buttons in the group are clickable (they insert their variable into the formula).

BB - big blind

SB - small blind

A - ante

AA - sum of all antes

ABB - AdjBB, calculated by the formula: (BB + SB + AA) * 2/3

M - number M, calculated by the formula: BB + SB + AA

HS - real hero stack on table

HSH - hero stack at the start of the hand

HSS - hero stack at the start of the current street (equal to HS + HB)

HB - all hero bets on the current street

HO - if hero is out of position the result is 1, if in position the result is 0

HC - the value on the "Call" button, if the "Check" button is on the table, the result is 0

PT - the real value of the total pot on the table

PS - the value of the total pot at the start of the current street (on the preflop result is 0)

NPS - number of players at start of hand

NPP - number of players in play

NL - number of limps, on the preflop after any raise the result is 0, postflop is always 0

NC - number of calls, after any raise, the number of calls starts counting from zero

NR - number of raises (and bets) on the current street

NRP - number of raises on the preflop

R - the size of the last raise (or bet), if there was no raise on the preflop, then the result is BB

ES - effective stack on the current street among the remaining players in the hand

ESH - effective stack at the start of the hand

ST - current street number (preflop result is 0, flop result is 1, turn result is 2, river result is 3)

After editing the formula, you need to check it (click on the "Test" button), otherwise you will not be able to save the formula (the "Save" button will not appear).

If there is an error in the formula, a window will open in which the error will be indicated and its ordinal number in brackets (not for all errors):

If the formula does not contain errors, then a window will open in which you need to enter test values to check the formula, and click on the "Calculate" button:

Result window:

If the result is calculated incorrectly (or some other problems with the formula), then take a screenshot of the window with the formula and the result and send it to

Examples of formulas:

  1. PT*0.75 - 75% of total pot

  2. R*2.5+0#0.9 -the size of the bet will be 2.5 raise + a random number from 0 to 0.9

  3. (2.5+HO)*(R+BB*(R=0)) - all possible options are listed below:

  • if hero is out of position (HO equals 1) = (2.5+1)*(R+BB*(R=0)) = 3.5*(R+BB*(R=0))

    • if there was no raise or bet (R equals 0) = 3.5*(0+BB*1) = 3.5*BB

    • if there was a raise or bet (R not equal to 0) = 3.5*(R+BB*0) = 3.5*R

  • if hero is in position (HO equals 0) = (2.5+0)*(R+BB*(R=0)) = 2.5*(R+BB*(R=0))

    • if there was no raise or bet (R equals 0) = 2.5*(0+BB*1) = 2.5*BB

    • if there was a raise or bet (R not equal to 0) = 2.5*(R+BB*0) = 2.5*R