Video Room

 Video of the International Law Week 2017 with lots of impressions, opinions & intervieuws...

Short version
(3min 30sec; mp4; 320-240 pix; 34MB)

Long version
(12min 30sec; mp4; 320-24 pix; 129MB)

Welcome to Leuven video

 Interesting EU matters and debates from and among high-level politicians 

Esteban González Pons (EPP spokesman - ES) reminds us on the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome about the real values of the EU. (March 2017):  

... Europe is not the Common Market, it is the will to live together... Leaving Europe is not leaving a market. It's leaving the shared dreams.... Europe is the return to freedom of Greece, Spain and Portugal. Europe is the fall of the Berlin Wall. Europe is the end of communism. Europe is the welfare state, it is democracy ...

More info on 60th anniversary of Treaty of Rome (1957-2017):
-> EU in 60 seconds
-> 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome
-> Statement of UN Secretary-General A. Guterrez 

Margret Thatcher (Prime Minister of GB) in the British House of Commons, in October 1990, gives her opinion on the EMU (Economic and Monetary Union), the Ecu and more power for the EU institutions, issues that had been discussed during the European Council in Rome a few days earlier.

Mrs Thatcher is clear: No!, No!, No!

Move fast forwards to 1:50  

Mrs Thatcher in a speech before the EP, but not that combative, wants Europe to "enjoy peace with liberty"...

In 1981 Simone Veil (president of the EP) invited Margaret Thatcher (then President-in-Office of the European Council) to address the Assembly. Apparently, the Council's custom of informing Parliament of the results of European Council meetings, dates from that occasion.

Mrs Veil noted that this event made a substantial contribution to the debate on the future of European unification and enhanced the prestige of the Community Institutions.

Nigel Farage (GB, co-chair of the EFDGroup) in the European Parliament in April 2013:

In his contribution to the debate on the

EU policy on the financial crises he really crushes the way the EU has been handling the crises...

The EFDGroup is in favor of more power to the member states and very, very little power for the EU.