
Naftaliev, E., & Yerushalmy, M. (2017). Design digital tasks: Interactive Diagrams as resource and constraint. In Leung, A. & Baccaglini-Frank, A. (Eds), The Role and Potential of using Digital Technologies in Designing Mathematics Education Tasks, 153-173. Springer. (draft version)

Naftaliev, E., (2016). Semiotic framework for pedagogical design of interactive texts. The third Manchester conference on Mathematics Education and Contemporary Theory (MECT 3). July 18-21, 2016.

Naftaliev, E., (2016). Engagements of Prospective Teachers with E-textbook. Invited paper, TSG-38 (Topic Study Group on Research on resources (textbooks, learning materials etc.)). The 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-13), Hamburg, Germany, July 24-31, 2016.

Naftaliev, E., & Yerushalmy, M. (2015). Guiding Student Instruction with an Interactive Diagram: the Case of Equations. In the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching – ICTMT 12, Faro, Portugal.

Naftaliev, E. (2015). Interactive Diagrams used for collaborative learning concerning math models of motion. The 17th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications. Nottingham, UK.

Naftaliev, E., & Yerushalmy M. (2013). Guiding Explorations: Design Principles and Functions of Interactive Diagrams. Computers in the Schools, 30(1-2), 61-75. (draft version, pdf)

Naftaliev, E. (2012). Interactive Diagrams: Mathematical Engagements with Interactive Text. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Haifa, Faculty of Education, Haifa.

Naftaliev, E. & Yerushalmy, M. (2012b). Interactive Diagrams: Mathematical Engagements with Interactive Textbooks. In the Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-12), Seoul, Korea.

Naftaliev, E. & Yerushalmy, M. (2012a). Interactive Diagrams: Mathematical Engagements with Interactive Textbooks. In the Proceedings of the International Colloquium "The Didactics of Mathematics: Approaches and Issues". A Hommage to Michèle Artigue, France, Paris, 55-57.

Yerushalmy, M. & Naftaliev, E. (2011). Design of InteractiveDiagrams Structured Upon Generic Animations. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 16(3), 221-245. DOI:10.1007/s10758-011-9183-0.

Naftaliev, E., & Yerushalmy, M. (2011). Solving algebra problems with interactive diagrams: Demonstration and construction of examples. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 30(1), pp. 48-61.

Naftaliev, E. & Yerushalmy, M. (2009). Roles of Interactive Diagrams in Solving Algebra Problems: Demonstration and Construction of Examples. Final report for ISF Grant 236/05.

Naftaliev, E. & Yerushalmy, M. (2009). Interactive Diagrams: Alternative Practices for the Design of Algebra Inquiry. In the Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.Thessaloniki, Greece.

Yerushalmy, M. & Shubash, N. (2009). Experiencing examples with interactive diagrams: two types of generalizations. In the Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Thessaloniki, Greece.

Yerushalmy, M. & Naftaliev, E. (2007) Learning Mathematics with Interactive Diagrams. In the Proceedings for "Cognition & Exploratory Learning in Digital Age" (CELDA), December 2007, Algrave, Portugal.

Yerushalmy, M. & Naftaliev, E. (2007). Analyzing Effects of Animations and Multi-Representations Tools: Learning the Mathematics of Motion with Interactive Diagrams. Final report for ISF Grant 236/05.

Daher, W. (2005). Semiotic tools for evaluating electronic mathematical texts. The ICTMT7–International Conference for Technology in Mathematics. Bristol, UK.

Yerushlamy, M. (2005). Functions of Interactive Visual Representations in Interactive Mathematical Textbooks.International Journal of Computers for Mathematical learning, 10.