
Prof. Michal Yerushalmy

Dr. Elena Naftaliev

Michal Yerushalmy is a professor of Mathematics Education, the head of the Research Institute of Alternatives in Education at the University of Haifa and a pioneer developer of innovative software, developer of an interactive textbook and of the "Visual Math" secondary school mathematics curriculum.

Her most recent development project is Math4Mobile where she offers ways to make technology available for everyone everywhere. Yerushalmy study conceptualization processes that occur while learning with computerized environments.

Her focus is on the study of multiple external representations, bodily interactions, modeling and teachers' learning of reformed curricula.

Prof. Yerushalmy won The 2010 ISDDE Prize for Excellence in Educational Design.

Dr. Elena Naftaliev is a lecturer in Achva Academic College. She teaches courses in technology in math education, mathematics and mathematics didactic methods.

She earned a MSc (with Excellence) in Mathematics from Dagestan State University, Russia and a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from University of Haifa, Israel. Her dissertation project was funded by the Israel Science Foundation. It focused on the learning with interactive diagrams in interactive textbooks. She was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the 'Center for Learning in a NetworKed Society (LINKS), University of Haifa.

Elena worked many years in The Center for Educational Technology (CET) as a developer of textbooks and software materials for learning and teaching mathematics and as a middle and high school mathematics teacher in Israel and Russia. She used innovative technologies during her teaching.

Her research interests are concerned with the development of knowledge that occurs while processes of learning-teaching with computer environments. Her focus is on the study of learning and teaching with interactive textbooks, semiotic functions of interactive text, learning with animations, role of examples, design of interactive curriculum materials and tasks design.