Ingar Haaland 

I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). I received my PhD from NHH in 2019 and spent three years at the University of Bergen before returning to NHH in 2022.

I use experimental methods, such as information provision experiments, to study economic behavior across different domains, including political economy, household finance, and macroeconomic expectation formation. I have recently become very interested in using AI tools for economic research and will teach a course on large language models at NHH this Fall.  For potential applications, see e.g. my recent paper with Felix Chopra on conducting qualitative interviews and my slides on how to integrate ChatGPT into your research.

I am the principal investigator of a Researcher Project for Young Talents grant from the Research Council of Norway (approx. $750,000) that will examine media bias and political polarization (with Felix Chopra and Christopher Roth).

 You can download my CV here

Contact details:   

Google Scholar page


The Demand for News:  Accuracy Concerns versus Belief Confirmation Motives (with Felix Chopra and Christopher Roth).  Economic Journal,   vol 134 (661,) July 2024 (p. 1806–1834).  [Working paper version,  Presentation slides

The Null Result Penalty (with Felix Chopra, Christopher Roth, and Andreas Stegmann). [Presentation slidesEconomic Journal, vol 134 (657), January 2024 (pp 193-219). [Working paper version]  Coverage: VoxEU column  

Justifying Dissent (with Leonardo Bursztyn, Georgy Egorov, Aakaash Rao, and Christopher Roth).  Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol 138 (3), August 2023 (pp 1403-1451). [VoxEU column]. Coverage:  TIME, Les Affaires

Designing Information Provision Experiments (with Christopher Roth and Johannes Wohlfart). Journal of Economic Literature,  vol. 6 (1), March 2023 (pp. 3-40). Coverage: World Bank Blogs.

Beliefs About Racial Discrimination and Support for Pro-Black Policies (with Christopher Roth).  Review of Economics and Statistics,  vol. 105 (1), January 2023 (pp. 40–53).

Fraud Concerns and Support for Economic Relief Programs (with Andreas Olden).  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 203, Nov 2022 (pp. 59-66).  Coverage:  OECD Report on Behavioural Insights.

Scapegoating During Crises (with Leonardo Bursztyn, Georgy Egorov, Aakaash Rao, and Christopher Roth). AEA Papers and Proceedings, vol. 112, May 2022 (pp. 151-55).

Do People Demand Fact-Checked News? Evidence From U.S. Democrats (with Felix Chopra and Christopher Roth). Journal of Public Economics, vol. 205, Jan 2022 (104549). [Working paper version]

Labor Market Concerns and Support for Immigration (with Christopher Roth). Journal of Public Economics, vol. 191, Nov 2020 (104256). 


Slides on how to integrate ChatGPT into your research

Proofreader Pal, a GPT designed to identify grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. It goes straight to the point and formats the output in structured lists.

BibTeX Converter, a GPT designed to convert references into BibTeX format, noting only missing essential fields.

Course materials for the PhD course on Subjective Beliefs, Attention and Economic Behavior that Felix Chopra, Chris Roth, Sonja Settele, Johannes Wohlfart and I organized in March 2023.

Lecture on theories and empirical strategies to detect discrimination