
Current research

# Multimodal Pragmatics: language, gesture and communication; interactional dynamics; multimodal patterns; pragmatics of gesture; negation and disagreement; mediation; gesture and figurative language; interface language-gesture in public discourse; multimodal metaphor and metonymy. 

# Discourse Analysis dealing with language use in the public sphere: figurative language and phraseology; multimodal metaphor and metonymy; interaction between political and media communication; argumentation and persuasion. 

Main areas of specialization in PhD and post-doc research

# Phraseology: idiom semantics; embodiment and figurative language; semantic motivation; use of idioms in pragmatic-discursive interaction. 

# Metalanguage and metapragmatics: reflexivity in language use; natural metalanguage. 

Aspectos de la semántica de las unidades fraseológicas. La fraseología somática metalingüística del español [Aspects of the semantics of phraseology. Spanish somatic metalinguistic idioms]. University of Navarra, 2009 (with European Doctorate and Annual Award of Excellence)