Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas

Co-director, Daedalus Lab

The Murcia Center for Cognition, Communication, and Creativity

Ramón y Cajal Assistant Professor

English Philology, University of Murcia

Latest publications

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2023. Gilles Fauconnier and the meaning of a sentence. CORELA (Cognition, Représentation, Langage) [En ligne/online], HS-39 | 2023.

Illán Castillo, R. & Pagán Cánovas, C. 2023. Time moves more often in poetry: a comparative corpus study. D. Alcaraz Carrión, A. Gordejuela & A. Piata (eds.), On the edges of time: Time representations in the perspective of human creativity. John Benjamins: Human Cognitive Processing Series.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2022. Authors: Cognitive patterns and individual creativity. In P. C. Hogan, L. P. Hogan & B. Irish (eds.) Routledge Companion to Literature and Emotion. London: Routledge. 261-271. 

Besada, J. L., Barthel-Calvet A-S., Pagán Cánovas, C. 2021. Gearing time towards musical creativity: Conceptual integration and material anchoring in Xenakis’ Psappha. Frontiers in Psychology 11:611316.

Alcaraz Carrión, D., Pagán Cánovas, C. & Valenzuela, J. 2020. Enaction through co-speech gesture: the rhetorical handing of the mental timeline. Zeitschrift fur Anglistik and Amerikanistik 68(4): 411–431.

Valenzuela, J., Pagán Cánovas, C., Olza, I., Alcaraz Carrión, D. 2020. Gesturing in the wild: Spontaneous gestures co-occurring with temporal demarcative expressions provide evidence for a flexible mental timeline. Review of Cognitive Linguistics 18:2. 289-315.

Besada, J. L. & Pagán Cánovas, C. 2020. Timelines in spectral composition: A cognitive approach to musical creativity. Organised Sound 25(2): 142-155.

Pagán Cánovas, C. 2020. Learning formulaic creativity: Chunking in verbal art and speech. In T. Hoffmann (ed.), Construction Grammar and creativity: Evolution, psychology, and cognitive science, special issue of Cognitive Semiotics 13(1).

Pagán Cánovas, C., Valenzuela, J., Alcaraz Carrión, D., Olza, I., Ramscar, M. 2020. Quantifying the speech-gesture relation with massive multimodal datasets: Informativity in time expressions. PLoS ONE 15(6): e0233892.

What does it mean to be human? To contribute to the quest for the human spark, I study our species' unparalleled abilities for weaving networks of meaning that integrate disparate perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and actions into new wholes.

Imagining future or counterfactual scenarios from disperse memories and perceptions, recombining old ideas to create new ones, or manipulating materials and environments to ground and expand thought and action: these and other species-defining behaviors stem from the integrative capacities of the human mind. Perhaps the most crucial integrative feat is the coordination of manifold body movements and voice inflections for complex cooperation and communication. The intricate patterns of human multimodal interaction give rise to language, music, oral and written verbal art, and many other manifestations of human meaning. The ever-evolving cultures and technologies of humankind, unattainable for any other living being in Earth's history, are all based on this drive to integrate the elusive variability of experience into new mental worlds.

How does the human mind go from scattered feathers to Daedalus' wings, flying out of the labyrinth rather than merely finding a niche in it?

With the rest of the team at the Daedalus Lab, I combine methods from the humanities and the sciences to study key integrative phenomena of the human mind: How do we create our concepts, emotions, or aesthetics by building on the basics of perception and action? How do we structure the multimodal flow of communication? How do we stabilize the flashing patterns of our mind through bodily motion and material manipulation? How do we develop all those patterns of integration in cultural diachrony, adapting them to the varying goals and contexts of everyday interactions, social and political goals, artistic and scientific creativity, or cultural tradition?

For more about my research, see the Daedalus Lab projects. For more on big-data research on multimodal communication, see the Red Hen Lab.