Wolfy's Armada

This is the home of brief descriptions of Wolf's speaker related projects. These will likely be just a photo that contains the image of the finished design, the xover as used, etc. These are free for non-commercial use only. Feel free to contact me at the event-email on the main page at the bottom if you have any questions. 

Right click image, open in new tab or window, and zoom in or save image.

(Be advised that substitutions of different drivers or xover methods into designs requires a full redesign and is not something I will be entertaining by e-mail query. Please don't ask for a redesign. Most of these designs I no longer have the drivers for, nor the original design files or simulations. This means a redesign is likely not possible from the same set of data. Designs as posted here are for the drivers listed or used only, as all xover designs are for the drivers connected alone.)






Twigs and Switch