3. 業績



Kang, C., Imaizumi, F., Theule, L. (2024) Sediment entrainment and deposition, Advances in Debris-flow Science and Practice, 165-190






Hayakawa, Y. S., Imaizumi, F., Hotta, N., Tsunetaka, H. (2016) Toward long-lasting disaster mitigation after huge landslide: high-definition topographic measurements of sediment production by debris flows in a steep headwater channel. In Geomorphology and Society.


金子竜己・長田知也・今泉文寿・高橋英成・髙山翔揮(2024) LiDAR自動観測システムを用いた荒廃地源頭部における土石流観測,中部森林研究,72,49-53

高橋英成・大屋俊介・今泉文寿・髙山翔揮(2024) 荒廃渓流源頭部における土石流流下特性と間隙水圧との関係,中部森林研究,72,45-48

Lusiana, N., Shinohara, T., Imaizumi, F. (2024) Quantifying effects of changes in forest age distribution on the landslide frequency in Japan, Natural Hazards, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-024-06537-w

Koshimizu,K., Ishimaru, S., Imaizumi, F., Kawakami, G. (2024) Morphological characteristics and conditions of drainage basins contributing to the formation of debris flow fans: an examination of regions with different rock strength using decision tree analysis, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24, 1287–1301, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-24-1287-2024

Takayama, S., Karasawa, R., Imaizumi, F. (2024) Depth‑averaged mixture model for development processes of debris flows over a steep unsaturated mobile bed, Landslides, DOI 10.1007/s10346-023-02202-8

Oya, S., Imaizumi, F., Takayama, S. (2024) Field monitoring of pore water pressure in fully and partly saturated debris flows at Ohya landslide scar, Japan, Earth Surface Dynamics, 12, 2, 67–86, https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-12-67-2024

Ballesteros-Cánovas, J. A., Kariya, Y., Imaizumi, F., Manchado, A. M. T., Nishii, R., Matsuoka, N., Stoffel, M. (2023) Debris-flow activity in the Japanese Alps is controlled by extreme precipitation and ENSO – evidence from multi-centennial tree-ring records, Global and Planetary Change, 231, 104296, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2023.104296

Satgada, C. P., Egusa, T., Yamakawa, Y., Imaizumi, F. (2023) Forest harvesting affects soil organic carbon and total nitrogen transports by facilitating landslides, Catena, 233, 107517, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2023.107517

Imaizumi, F., Oya, S., Takayama, S. (2023) Initiation and runout characteristics of partially saturated debris flows in Ohya landslide scar, Japan, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation, 03013.

Takayama, S., Hayashi, N., Imaizumi, F. (2023) Experimental study on the effects of local sediment accumulation on a debris flow surge in a steep channel, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation, 01026.

Yokoyama, K., Egusa, T., Ikka, T., Yamashita, H., Imaizumi, F. (2023) Effects of shallow groundwater on deep groundwater dynamics in a slow-moving landslide site, International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering, 16(1), 1-12, https://doi.org/10.13101/ijece.16.1

小高猛司・沢田 和秀・今泉 文寿・難波 喬司(2023)2021年7月熱海土石流災害における関連学会の技術支援活動,地盤工学会誌,71(3),1-8

Takayama, S., Imaizumi, F. (2022) Effects of coarse particles on downstream face erosion processes and outflow discharge during the overtopping of a landslide dam, Landslides, 20, 351–366, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-022-01973-w

Yokoyama, K., Imaizumi, F., Egusa, T. (2022) A review of groundwater observation methods for slow-moving landslide, International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering, 15,2,7-12, https://doi.org/10.13101/ijece.15.7

Takayama, S., Satofuka, Y., Imaizumi, F. (2022) Effects of water infiltration into an unsaturated streambed on debris flow development, Geomorphology, 409, 108269, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2022.108269 

Imaziumi, F., Osanai, N., Jato, S., Koike, M., Kosugi, K., Sakai, Y., Sakaguchi, H., Satofuka, Y., Takayama, S., Tanaka, T., Nishi, Y. (2022) Debris flow disaster in Atami, Japan, in July 2021, International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering, 15, 1 , 1-6, https://doi.org/10.13101/ijece.15.1 


Imaizumi, F., Ikeda, A., Yamamoto, K., Ohsaka, O. (2021) Temporal changes in the debris flow threshold under the effects of ground freezing and sediment storage on Mt. Fuji. Earth Surface Dynamics, 9, 1381-1398. https://doi.org/10.5194/esurf-9-1381-2021 1.         

Imaizumi, F., Sidle, R. C. (2021) Effects of terrain on the occurrence of debris flows after forest harvesting, Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 103, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/04353676.2021.1932482

Tsunetaka, H., Hotta, N., Imaizumi, F., Hayakawa, Y. S., Masui, T. (2021) Variation in rainfall patterns triggering debris flow in the initiation zone of the Ichino-sawa torrent, Ohya landslide, Japan. Geomorphology, 375, 107529, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107529

Imaizumi, F., Trappmann, D., Matsuoka, N., Ballesteros-Cánovas, J. A., Yasue, K., Stoffel, M. (2020) Interpreting rockfall activity on an outcrop–talus slope system in the southern Japanese Alps using an integrated survey approach, Geomorphology, 371, 107456, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107456

Evans, J.R., Imaizumi, F., Ohsaka, O., Ogawa, S. (2020) Relationship between tree height and landslide characteristics obtained by GIS assessment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45, 3280-3292. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.4964

Tsunetaka, H., Hotta, N., Hayakawa, Y. S., Imaizumi, F. (2020) Spatial accuracy assessment of unmanned aerial vehicle-based structures from motion multi-view stereo photogrammetry for geomorphic observations in initiation zones of debris flows, Ohya landslide, Japan. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 7, 24.



Hapsari, D., Onishi, T., Imaizumi, F., Noda, K., Senge, M. (2019) The use of sediment rating curve under its limitations to estimate the suspended load, Reviews in Agricultural Science, 7: 88-101, https://doi.org/10.7831/ras.7.0_88

Imaizumi, F., Masui, T., Yokota, Y., Tsunetaka, H., Hayakawa, Y.S., Hotta, N. (2019) Initiation and runout characteristics of debris flow surges in Ohya landslide scar, Japan, Geomorphology, 339, 58-69,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.04.026

Murasawa, M., Imaizumi, F., Yokota, Y. (2019) Observations on the Development and Decay Processes of Debris Flows, In proceedings of 7th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation. [link]

Imaizumi, F. (2019) Effects of terrain on temporal changes in susceptibility of debris flows and associated hydrogeomorphic processes after forest harvesting, In proceedings of 7th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation. [link]




Imaizumi, F., Nishii, R., Ueno, K., Kurobe, K. (2019) Forest harvesting impacts on microclimate conditions and sediment transport activities in a humid periglacial environment, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 155-170, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-23-155-2019

海堀正博・長谷川祐治・山下祐一・崎田博史・中井真司・桑田志保・平松晋也・地頭薗 隆・井良沢道也・清水 収・今泉文寿・中谷加奈・柏原佳明・加藤誠章・鳥田英司・平川泰之・吉永子規・田中健路・林 拙郎(2018)平成30年7月豪雨により広島県で発生した土砂災害,砂防学会誌,71(4),49-60

Nishii, R., Imaizumi, F., Daimaru, H., Murakami, W. (2018) Continuous and large sediment supply in a steep landslide scar, Southern Japanese Alps, Geomorphology, 312, 51-59, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.04.002

Yamakawa, Y., Hotta, N., Tsunetaka, H., Ohsaka, O., Masaoka, N., Imaizumi, F., Kosugi, K. (2018) Investigation of volcanic deposits using a combined penetrometer-moisture probe: Application in Izu-Oshima Volcano, Japan, International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering, 11(1), 15-27, https://doi.org/10.13101/ijece.11.15

小杉俊・今泉文寿・逢坂興宏・土屋智(2018)土砂変動からみた山地渓流の堰堤整備の効果,中部森林研究,66, 129-132

増井健志・横田優至・經隆悠・今泉文寿・逢坂興宏・土屋智(2018)荒廃渓流源頭部における土石流の流動特性と渓床堆積物の堆積状況の関係,中部森林研究,66, 135-138

長田知也・今泉文寿・逢坂興宏・土屋智(2018)谷の発達程度の異なる山地小流域間における降雨流出特性の違い,中部森林研究,66, 127-128


Imaizumi, F, Nishiguchi, T, Matsuoka, N, Trappmann, D, Markus, S (2018) Interpretation of recent alpine landscape system evolution using geomorphic mapping and L-band InSAR analyses , Geomorphology, 130, 125-137,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.03.013

de Haas, T., Densmore, A.L., Stoffel, M., Suwa, H., Imaizumi, F., Ballesteros-Cánovas, J.A. Wasklewicz, T. (2018) Avulsions and the spatio-temporal evolution of debris-flow fans, Earth-Science Reviews, 117, 53-75, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.11.007

Imaizumi, F., Hayakawa, Y. S., Hotta, N., Tsunetaka, H., Ohsaka, O., Tsuchiya, S. (2017) Relationship between the accumulation of sediment storage and debris-flow characteristics in a debris-flow initiation zone, Ohya landslide body, Japan, Natural Hazards and Earth Science Systems, 17, 1923-1938, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-17-1923-2017




Nishiguchi, T., Tsuchiya, S., Imaizumi, F. (2017) Detection and accuracy of landslide movement by InSAR analysis using PALSAR-2 data, Landslides, 14, 1483-1490, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-017-0821-z

長谷川 祐治・宮田 秀介・今泉 文寿・中谷 加奈・堤 大三(2017)流砂の衝突回数を考慮したハイドロフォン データによる解析手法の提案と現地への適用,水工学論文集,B1, 73, 4, 523-528

Imaizumi, F., Suzuki, O., Togari-Ohta, A. (2017) Seasonal changes in the sediment flux on steep hillslopes in a humid diurnal frost environment, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42, 389-398, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.3982

Imaizumi, F., Tsuchiya, S., Ohsaka, O. (2016) Behavior of boulders within a debris flow initiation zone, International Journal of Erosion Control Engineering, 9, 91-100, https://doi.org/10.13101/ijece.9.91

Yamao, Y., Sidle, R. C., Gomi, T., Imaizumi, F. (2016) Characteristics of landslides in unwelded pyroclastic flow deposits, southern Kyushu, Japan, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16, 617-627, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-16-617-2016

Imaizumi, F., Trappman, D., Matsuoka, N., Tsuchiya, S., Ohsaka, O., Stoffel, M. (2016) Biographical sketch of a giant: deciphering recent debris-flow dynamics from Ohya landslide body (Japanese Alps), Geomorphology, 272, 102-114,



増井健志・今泉文寿・土屋智・逢坂興宏(2016)2015 年8 月6 日の短時間強雨により大谷崩一の沢で発生した石礫型土石流,中部森林研究,64,115-116



Imaizumi, F., Tsuchiya, S., Ohsaka, O. (2016) Field observations of debris-flow initiation processes on sediment deposits in a previous deep-seated landslide site, Journal of Mountain Science, 13, 212-222,


Ueno, K., Kurobe, K., Imaizumi, F., Nishii, R. (2015) Effects of deforestation and weather on diurnal frost heave processes on the steep mountain slopes in south central Japan, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40, 2013–2025, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.3776

Imaizumi, F., Nishii, R., Murakami, W., Daimaru, H. (2015) Parallel retreat of rock slopes underlain by alternation of strata,Geomorphology, 238, 27–36, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.02.030

Imaizumi, F., Sidle, R. C., Togari-Ohta, A., Shimamura, M. (2015) Temporal and spatial variation of infilling processes in a landslide scar in a steep mountainous region, Japan, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40, 642-653, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.3659

宥免憲樹・經隆 悠・今泉文寿・土屋 智・逢坂興宏(2015)インターバルカメラを用いて撮影した大谷崩「一の沢」における砂礫型土石流,中部森林研究,63, 137-140

佐橋 潤・逢坂興宏・土屋 智・今泉文寿(2015)立木境界に分布するヒノキの水平根量の推定,中部森林研究,63, 121-122

Vu T. T., Tsuchiya, S., Imaizumi., F., Ohsaka, O. (2015)  Estimate of groundwater in the western site of Mt.Mihara by the 2013 Typ. Wipha, Chubu Forest Research, 63, 127-131

Imaizumi, F., Miyamoto, K. (2014) Pore water pressure in two-dimensional slopes with multi-layer soil structure, In Proceedings of 5th Internationall Workshop on Multimodal Sediment Disasters, 9-17.


増沢徳親・原田晋太郎・土屋 智・逢坂興宏・今泉文寿(2014)2011年台風12号の豪雨により紀伊半島中山間地で発生した斜面崩壊の特徴,中部森林研究,62,81-82

佐藤 剛・八木浩司・今泉文寿・杉本宏之(2013)1930年北伊豆地震で発生した伊豆市城地区の川越え地すべり,地すべり学会誌,Vol. 50,No. 5,19-22

上野健一・ 磯野純平・今泉文寿・井波明宏・ 金井隆治・鈴木啓助・小林 元・玉川一郎・斎藤琢・近藤裕昭(2013)大学間連携事業を通じた中部山岳域の気象データアーカイブ,地学雑誌,122,638-650


Imaizumi, F., Miyamoto, K., Matsumura, Y.(2013)Experimental Study of Pore Water Pressure in Multi-layer Soil Structure, In Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Multimodal Sediment Disasters, 141-146.

Hotta, N., Kubo, T., Imaizumi, F., Miyamoto, K., Lee, S.P., Tsai, Y.L., and Shieh, C.L.(2013)Influence of past landslides and resulting sedimentation in a sediment disaster at Shao-ling village, Taiwan, during Typhoon Morakot, 2009, In Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Multimodal Sediment Disasters, 117-124.

今泉文寿・土屋 智(2013)静岡県浜松市門島地区で発生した斜面崩落,地すべり学会誌,Vol. 50,No. 4,p.33-35

今泉文寿・Roy C. Sidle・外狩麻子・島村 誠(2013)崩壊地周辺におけるソイルクリープの長期観測,地形,Vol.34,129-141


今泉文寿・宮本邦明(2013)多層構造を有する地層を鉛直浸透する場での間隙水圧と有効応力の分布,砂防学会誌,Vol. 65,No. 5,p.3-10

Miyamoto, K., Imaizumi, F. (2012)A theoretical explanation of triggering condition of deep-seated landslide, In Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Multimodal Sediment Disasters

Imaizumi, F., Sidle, R. C. (2012)Effect of forest harvesting on hydrogeomorphic processes in steep terrain of central Japan, Geomorphology, 169, p. 109-122

松田 悟・宮本邦明・今泉文寿(2012)レーザー距離計を用いた山岳地での土砂生産量の簡易計測手法,砂防学会誌,Vol. 64,No. 6,p.43-46

今泉文寿・上治雄介(2012)山岳域人工林内での土砂移動と間伐材を利用したその抑止手法,日本森林学会誌,Vol. 94,No. 1,p.24-30

今泉文寿・西井稜子・村上亘・宮前崇・小川泰浩・大丸裕武(2012) レーザープロファイラーによる赤崩での土砂生産プロセスの観測,中部森林研究,60,p.97-100

柴田健一・鈴木洋佑・今泉文寿・早川裕弌(2011)デジタルカメラと簡易レーザー距離計による山腹崩壊地の計測手法,砂防学会誌,Vol. 64,No.2,p. 27-30

Imaizumi, F., Miyamaoto, K. (2011) Non-dimensional parameters controlling occurrence and characteristic of landslides that provide sediment for debris flow development, Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment, 5th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards, p. 101-106

今泉文寿・土屋 智・友野 誠(2011)山地源流域における土石流の発生・流下特性,水利科学,No.318,p. 111-126

滝浪 明・上治雄介・遠藤 徹・今泉文寿(2011)筑波大学農林技術センター井川演習林の林業史―伐出記録と搬出痕跡について―,筑波大学農林技術センター演習林報告,27,p. 147-156


今泉文寿(2011)急傾斜人工林内における間伐材を利用した表土の移動抑制手法,中部森林研究,59,p. 191-194

Tsuchiya, S., Imaizumi, F. (2010) Large sediment movement caused by the catastrophic Ohya-kuzure landslide, Journal of Disaster Science, No. 5,Vol. 3, p. 257-263

上治雄介・今泉文寿(2010)リレーショナル・データベースを用いた森林施業履歴管理システムの開発,筑波大学農林技術センター演習林報告,26,p. 43-53

Gomi, T., Kobayashi, S., Negishi J. N., Imaizumi, F. (2010) Short-term responses of macroinvertebrate drift following experimental sediment flushing in a Japanese headwater channel, Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 6, p. 257-270

Imaizumi, F., Hattanji, T., Hayakawa, Y.S.(2010) Channel initiation by surface and subsurface flows in a steep catchment of the Akaishi Mountains, Japan, Geomorphology, 115, p. 32-42

松田 悟・今泉文寿・宮本邦明(2010):山岳地での凍結融解による土砂生産量の計測手法の検討,中部森林研究,58,p. 207-210

今泉文寿・眞板秀二・宮本邦明(2009):表層崩壊の無次元発生支配パラメータと崩壊機構,砂防学会誌,Vol.62,No.2, 13-20

Imaizumi, F., Gomi, T., Kobayashi, S., Negishi, J.N.(2009): Changes in bed load transport rate associated with episodic sediment supply in a Japanese headwater channel, Catena, 77, p. 207-215

土屋 智・今泉文寿・逢坂興宏(2009):荒廃渓流源頭部における土石流の流動形態と石礫の流下状況,砂防学会誌,Vol. 61,No.6,p.4-10

Imaizumi, F., Tsuchiya, S. (2008): Debris-flow behaviors in an steep mountainous torrent on Ohya landslide, Japan, In Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Scour and Erosion 2008, p. 665-671

Imaizumi, F., Sidle, R.C., Kamei, R. (2008): Effects of forest harvesting on the occurrence of landslides and debris flows in steep terrain of central Japan, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 33, p. 827-840

Imaizumi, F., Sidle, R.C. (2007): Linkage of sediment supply and transport processes in Miyagawa Dam catchment, Japan, Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface, Vol.112,F03012


若井謙治・土屋 智・逢坂興宏・今泉文寿(2007):2006年7月19日に大谷崩「一の沢」で観測された土石流について,中部森林研究,Vol.55,p. 139-142

Imaizumi, F., Sidle, R.C. (2006): Impact of forest harvesting on slope stability in managed forest catchment, Nara prefecture, Japan, In proceedings of Interpraevent 2006, 2, p.553-560

Imaizumi, F., Sidle, R.C., Tsuchiya, S., Ohsaka, O.(2006): Hydrogeomorphic processes in a steep debris flow initiation zone, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, L10404

Imaizumi, F., Tsuchiya, S., Ohsaka, O.(2005): Behaviour of debris flows located in a mountainous torrent on the Ohya landslide, Japan, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 42, p. 919-931

今泉文寿・山本 亨・土屋 智・逢坂興宏(2005):荒廃小流域における掃流砂・浮遊砂の流出実態―直接採取法による実態把握と流出機構の考察―,砂防学会誌,Vol. 57(6),p.13-20

今泉文寿・土屋 智・逢坂興宏(2004):土石流の発生に関わる渓床堆積物と降雨条件についての検討,自然災害科学,Vol. 23(1),p. 93-106

風間裕己・土屋 智・逢坂興宏・今泉文寿(2004):大谷崩で観測された土石流流下時における石礫移動について,中部森林研究,No. 52,p.277-280

今泉文寿・土屋 智・逢坂興宏(2003):荒廃渓流源頭部の砂礫堆積地で発生する土石流の流動特性,砂防学会誌,Vol. 56(2),p. 14-22

今泉文寿・土屋 智・逢坂興宏(2002):荒廃渓流源頭部の砂礫堆積地における土石流の発生と流動過程の観測,砂防学会誌,Vol. 55(3),p. 50-55

今泉文寿・土屋 智・逢坂興宏(2001):山岳砂礫堆積地で発生した土石流の流動状況,中部森林研究,No.49,p.171-174

今泉文寿・土屋 智・逢坂興宏(2000):大谷崩「一の沢」における土石流の発生・流下状況,中部森林研究,No.48,p.205-208


今泉文寿・上治雄介(2012):筑波大学農林技術センター演習林気象報告(2010年)井川演習林,筑波大学農林技術センター演習林報告,Vol.28,p. 127-140

今泉文寿(2011):筑波大学農林技術センター演習林気象報告(2009年)井川演習林,筑波大学農林技術センター演習林報告,Vol.27,p. 171-184

今泉文寿(2010):筑波大学農林技術センター演習林気象報告(2008年)井川演習林,筑波大学農林技術センター演習林報告,Vol.26,p. 69-82




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