s11. Articles on Judgment

  • Joan S. Powers (2018) The Evolving Jurisprudence of the International Administrative Tribunals: Convergence or Divergence? AIIB Yearbook of International Law, 2018.

  • FAO (2018) VERBATIM RECORDS OF PLENARY MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL, Hundred and Fifty-eighth Session, Rome, 4-8 December 2017.

  • Carla Ferstman (2017) International Organizations and the Fight for Accountability: The Remedies and Reparations Gap. Oxford University Press.

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    • FAO Whistleblower wins Saudi graft case. Italian Insider, Number 43, April 2016, Page 5.

    • A landmark verdict by ILO. Italian Insider, Number 43, April 2016, Page 15.

  • The ILOAT Awards 200,000 USD to Probationer/Whistleblower for Harassment. FICSA Legal Advisor Tips and Information Newsletter, March 2016.

    • The ILOAT Awards 200,000 USD Victim of Harassment. ECHO (IAEA Staff Journal) Issue 255, April 2016.

    • FAO whistleblower wins Saudi graft case. Italian Insider (Online) 24 March 2016, http://www.italianinsider.it/?q=node/3768.

    • FAO cans bent Saudi operation honchos. Italian Insider (Online) 1 February 2017, http://www.italianinsider.it/?q=node/4961.

    • Corruption case spotlights FAO office that 'does not exist'. Italian Insider (Online) 3 February 2017, http://www.italianinsider.it/?q=node/4969.