6. UN Officials Involved in Judgment

FAO Director-General, Mr. José Graziano da Silva

Predecessor FAO Director-General, Mr. Jacques Diouf

Director of Human Resources Management Division, Mr. Tony Alonzi

FAO Investigation Panel on Harassment

    • Mr. Victor Mol, Programme Officer, Aide to the FAO Director-General

    • Mr. Freddy Nachtergaele, Project Coordinator, Land Degradation Assessment in Drylands project

    • Ms. Jessica Vapnek, Legal Officer

FAO Appeal Committee

    • Ambassador, Daniela Rotondaro (SAN MARINO)

    • Ms. Regina Gambino, Chief of Procurement

    • Ms. Sabrina Lozzi, Programme Assistant

    • Ms. P. Kennedy

    • Mr. Pietro Gennari, Director of the Statistics Division

Replay and Surrejoinder of FAO to ILO Tribunal:

Mr. Antonio Tavares, FAO Legal Counsel

ILO Tribunal Judges

    • Mr. Giuseppe Barbagallo (Italy)

    • Ms. Dolores M. Hansen (Canada)

    • Mr. Hugh A. Rawlins (Saint-Kitts and Nevis)

    • Mr. Claude Rouiller (Switzerland)