

The Illawarra Quilters Incorporated membership period is June 1st to May 31st each year, however new members are welcome to join at any time throughout the year. lllawarra Quilters Inc. membership benefits include . . . 

New Membership 2020 onwards.pdf

Junior Membership policy 

Please read the policy carefully before applying for Junior Membership.

Junior Membership Policy-July 2019.pdf

Life Membership

Information on the criteria and nomination.

Illawarra Quilters criteria for life membership (2012).pdf

Need access to the Members Only website? 

Let the Illawarra Quilters Inc. Membership Secretary know your Gmail account (it end with and access will be arranged.

Why a Gmail account? 

The Illawarra Quilters Inc. websites are hosted by Google. To access the Members Only website you must have a Gmail account.  However you don't have to use the email function at all

Using your Gmail account is similar to other account numbers or user id's for other online applications. 

For example - Lets say you have an internet banking account and an online store account and a MyGov account. They each have their own unique account number/user id. Each one will (should!) have a different password. 

In the same way, Illawarra Quilters Inc. members use a unique account number/user id. . . it just happens to end with  And of course you need a password too.