Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed journal is an essential component in research and in building knowledge base in the discipline. It is a direct reflection of the quality of work of the authors and the organizations that support them. It is therefore important for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the peer reviewer, the journal editor and the publisher, to follow internationally acceptable standards of expected ethical behavior.

We expect all parties involved in IJGE publication to be honest and fair and to follow, but not limited to, the practice guideline outlined in the Minimum Expectations for Publication Ethics set by the publisher - Camdemia.

Malpractice Policy

  • If there is an evidence or a reasonable belief of violation, by authors, of IJGE policies and the related Terms and Conditions, the manuscript will be automatically rejected.

  • If there is an evidence that a manuscript is submitted to another journal while still under review by IJGE, the manuscript will be automatically rejected and the authors will be billed for all the work performed on the manuscript in reviewing, editing and formatting, etc.

  • If such violation is disclosed voluntarily by authors themselves after a paper has already been published in a journal or conference proceedings, a correction article may be published for minor violations. In other cases, the published paper will be retracted from the publication list with a notice to the public on the relevant website stating "this paper has been removed from the journal due to violation to our publication policies". In severe cases, the authors' names may also be revealed.

  • Any individual involved in reviewing, editing and publishing, if there is evidence or reasonable belief of violation of IJGE policies, will be subject to disciplinary actions, from warning to suspension or removal, depending on the situation.