For Authors

Instructions to Authors

Journal articles when accepted are published online with open access to the public, free of charge to users. IJGE publishes papers under "Articles", "State-of-the-Art Reviews", "Case Studies" and "Technical Notes". All papers must have full length text and high quality from original research, state-of-the-art review or important real life case studies, meet the journal's academic standards and satisfy the journal's requirements.

When preparing manuscripts, authors are suggested to read the following first:

Benefits to authors for publishing with IJGE,

Publication fee.

In preparing and submitting manuscripts, authors are suggested to follow the instructions below:

Tips for preparing manuscripts

Journal Manuscript Format. Template available at the download page.

Manuscript Evaluation

Papers to be published in the journal will go through a rigorous reviewing process to ensure that they meet the journal standards. This is a two stage process:

a). Preliminary assessment: When a manuscript is received, our editors will conduct a preliminary assessment. Only those manuscripts which in the Editor's opinion have met the minimum requirements will proceed to the formal review stage.

b). Formal review: Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers who have expertise in the relevant fields and are at arms length from the authors. Reviewers will evaluate the quality of the manuscripts based on the specified "evaluation criteria". Our policy is to have review complete within three months (it may however take longer time depending on the quality of the original writing).

c). Outcome of review: A paper to be accepted by the journal must have positive recommendations from at least two reviewers. Based on the outcome of the review process, a research paper may be accepted for publishing in IJGE or sent to authors for revisions. In case of revision, a paper must satisfactorily address all issues raised by reviewers before it is finally accepted. The Editor-in-Chief will make a final decision on acceptance or rejection and inform directly the corresponding author the outcome. The decision by the Editor-in-Chief is final and not negotiable.

Important Notice to authors:

It is the responsibility of authors to ensure the manuscript meet the requirements of the journal. Authors whose first language is not English are strongly encouraged to seek professional English writing assistance to help polish their manuscripts and increase the chance of acceptance.

Ready to submit manuscript?