
Topics on which either IIIE students have completed their thesis or currently working are as follows.

Potential Topic for Research:

1. “Breaking the Constraints on Poor Women’s Livelihoods”.

The authors are Naila Kabeer of SOAS, Karishma Huda and Sandeep Kaur of the BRAC Development Institute, and Nicolina Lamhauge of the OECD Environment Directorate.

They draw some valuable practical lessons from the experience of two pilot projects in Asia that test BRAC’s multi-prong approach to empowering women to overcome the manifold obstacles preventing them from escaping extreme poverty.

For the full story, please read CDPR’s new Discussion Paper (#28/12) by the same authors: “Productive Safety Nets for Women in Extreme Poverty: Lessons from Pilot Projects in India and Pakistan”.

2. J=PAL is doing a lot of important and innovative work in the area of poverty reduction. Learning what they are doing and thinking about how to apply their reserach in Pakistan would provide many interesting unusual topics which are both important and relevant. read the links given below, and also download and read papers from their main website.

