
Topics on which either IIIE students have completed their thesis or currently working are as follows.

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Potential Topics on which thesis can be done are as follows:

1. Predictability of stock prices: thesis has been done by Christian Eriksen Stassen available at, It would be useful to replicate this thesis on Pakistan Stock Market data, and would be a novel and interesting thesis topic

2. Differentiating Financial Sector and Real Sector. It would be useful to differentiate between financial growth and real growth and study the linkages between the two.

3. I am attaching an article from Real World Economics Review. It is a group of economists looking at the financial crisis in Europe and how the wrong economics theories are being used to understand it and to combat. It offers many alternatives. ALL of these alternatives are thesis topics, Many students have done theses on how financial development leads to growth (as widely believed). However, this paper shows that this is a wrong idea. So now we could gather evidence to show that EVEN THOUGH this is widely beleived by economists, data shows that it is wrong. SIMILARLY for all areas where conventional economics leads to wrong ideas about the economy, proving that these ideas are wrong is a thesis topic of interest and importance with real world implications and policy applications.