Conference Schedule and Document Links

Post date: Apr 16, 2015 5:1:9 AM

Advisors and Delegates,

I have attached the final conference schedule for your reference during committee.

Linked below will be the links for the rough draft resolution google docs that the Secretariat in you committee room will be using to edit.

Political and Security

Topic 1: State Sovereignty - Passed Resolution

Topic 2: Enforcing Non-State Actors Policies

Backup: Free and Fair Elections

Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural (SH&C)

Topic 1: Internet Censorship

Topic 2: Rights of LGBT* Individuals

Backup: Providing Aid to Those Stricken by Human-Made Disasters


Topic 1: Gender Perspectives on Disarmament

Topic 2: The Conflict in Ukraine - Passed Resolution

Backup:Civilian Airline Traffic

Economic and Social (ECOSOC)

Topic 1: Silk Road

Topic 2: Funding of Renewable Energy Production - Passed Resolution

Backup: Trans-boundary Waters and Climate Change

Security Council

Topic 1:The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

Topic 2: Containment of the Ebola Outbreak

Backup: Gaza and Israeli Conflict

Legal 1

Topic 1: Self-Determination of Nations - Passed Resolution

Topic 2: Human Trafficking in Member States with Legalized Prostitution

Backup: Protection of Minority Languages

Legal 2

Topic 1: Legality of Drones

Topic 2: Dissemination of Critical Document

Backup: International Space Law

You can also find the Secretariat Background Guides here.

If a link does not work, or you are not able to gain access to a document, inform your Chair and we will get it fixed as soon as possible.


Breanna Johnson

IHSMUN Secretary-General