Here is a general checklist of things to do as an Advisor to make sure you have covered everything before Spring Conference:

    • Have you requested and been assigned a country delegation?

    • Have you submitted your position papers?

    • Have you submitted your delegate credentials?

    • Have you notified the Secretary-General if there have been any changes in your originally submitted delegate credentials?

    • Have you paid your fees? (The Secretary-General will send an invoice once delegate credentials have been received)

    • Have you found a place to stay during Spring Conference?

    • Have you gotten directions to campus AND from your hotel?

    • Have you found places for your delegation to eat dinners in Cedar Falls? (Students will eat lunches on campus in the Union food court *at their own expense*)

    • Have you reviewed proper dress code and conference conduct with your delegates?

    • Have you reviewed the various conference resources and shared them with your delegates?