
In the Antibiotics tab, the dose can be calculated as a function of the dialysis dose (convection and diffusion). The weight should be entered in kg, mL / h or mL / kg / h or mL / min convection in pre, post or diffusion. It is also necessary to enter the value of the blood pump speed, to choose an antibiotic and the dose that we would administer to a patient with normal renal function. By giving the button you go to the calculate screen with the dose values ​​to be administered orally, intravenously or other routes of administration in a patient with normal renal function. In addition, published doses are shown in the literature according to whether CVVH or CVVHDF is used. Also, clearance of the drug are calculated and are compared with those of the creatinine to have an approximate value. The box in green indicates where the patient's theoretical creatinine clearance is under the technique of extrarenal clearance. Below, the screen shows the calculation of the dose to be administered depending on the actual clearance fraction and a calculation that adds 30% of the dose (advisable in those non-toxic antibiotics). The next version will show the values ​​of all the clearances and physicochemical properties of the antibiotics listed.